
New Member
hi everyone,ive got myself a snatch ive been doing loads of work in it and under it,but ive just started working on her engine,my problem is she starts but is only running on the right bank ??? im guessing that she has probably been parked up for some time out in afgan.also the engine is painted green so i think im right in saying its a recon..

ive changed the plugs, leads, dizzy cap, rotor arm, fuel filter and coil but its still the same,

i also had the carbs off cleaned them out all looked ok fitted a new valley gasket when i put it all back together.
when shes running you can pull all the left bank leads off and theres no drop in revs but if you pull the right side off she will try and cut out untill you put them back on.

when you try and rev it it splutters real bad and wont rev upand after about a minute off running the revs drop and she cuts out but it will start up straight away and run for another minute and then revs drop and she cuts out again....
anyone got any ideas cus im starting to loose interest in her....:mad:
have you got a spark at every plug ,if you remove elbows of carbs you can see if fuel vapour looks similar in both carbs as you rev it ,each carb does 2 cylinders on each bank not one bank each ,fuel pump delivering enough,have you cleaned out float chamber
hi,yes got spark at every plug,i can here fuel pump buzzing and ive removed the fuel pipes that go into carb and she pumps fuel through ok.ive had the carbs all apart everything looked ok nothings stuck floats were ok,ive never had anything with carbs before so not 100% sure what to look for

all i can think is that its something to do with the carbs as it will run for about 60 seconds and then she starts to die the revs down and then cuts out as if its out of fuel but it will start up straight away but then do the same again...:confused:
ok thanks for that so if i remove the elbows and run it ill see through the sides whats going on,should they both be doing the same thing at the same time,does the left carb feed the left bank and the right carb feed the right bank.
sadly still no good had it running today with elbows off and i can see the carbs working ok both is same position,but still left bank wont fire,,
anybody have any more ideas....
there isnt much specific to each bank ,rockershaft not bust ?as said carbs feed both sides 2 each .dizzy does both ,are you a 100% one bank isnt working
im quite sure,there is no banging popping,it runs for about 60 seconds then cuts out,while its running you can pull the right bank leads off and the revs will drop and she will try to cut,if you pull the left bank leads off there is no change in engine tone.

i had the rockers off as i changed the gaskets and the shafts looked fine

do you think it could be the distributor,or the little black dizzy thing on the side ofthe distributor as i havent changed these..
hi,checked the leads there all ok,did look at timeing but couldnt see any timeing marks on the crank pully.????

spoke to my local landrover garage and they said to compression test that duff bank so ill try and get the snatch round to them...

ive still got a feeling that its something to do with the carbs......but ive done what i can with them so ill have to ask them to look at that aswell....
I had the same thing on my 2 door which has the same engine etc. turned out even though the carbs were newly refurbished the cock who did them hadnt set up the floats right and one would stick on and cut out the fuel to one carb even though the pump would deliver it ok.

I think get it running and give one carb a tap around the top reasonably hard with small hammer (dont belt it though obviously). this may free off the float and tell you whats wrong by doing so-if it runs well after.

if not, and your problem does not change I would say that one carb is badly set up, did you undo the link bar to balence them?

when I first got my motor which had been stood on a farm for 20 years the engine was sound with only a couple of thousand miles on it but it was sold as barely running becuase one carb was set up so badly. a carb balencer from ebay and a gunsons colourtune can help you no end to set these up and if you fancy doubling down a pair of each will make life very easy setting up a v8 :D
what was the reg on it when you got it. sorry, not thread related just on the look out for the one i had in iraq
hi.cheers for that ill give it a try im sure its something to do with the carbs just carnt work out what yet.

reg on mine is 34 kk 75 and shes got (OLD MEG) written on both front wings

theres pics of her on my profile..
nope not my one :( mine was 26 kk 17 and has banshee down the front wings. are you restoring to desert or back to northern island
I know this is going to sound unlikely but having been here before
Check the breather to the float chamber is not melted or blocked good fuel delivery wont help if your float chamber cannot vent ,
Rebuilt an engine because of this exact fault some years ago only to find melted breather,
Good luck with it .
Regards bill
Ill check the breather later,I know a guy on eBay that's got about 40 snatches yes 40 I'm going down in the next few days as I need a few camo brackets/clips I'll see if she is there.

Going desert colour,do you know if it's possible to find out the history behind my snatch.
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Just an update on my snatch,she's been round to my local landy and it turns out the left bank carb was well out of balance so they have cleaned both carbs and set both up for me,she now runs spot on
So next job is the dreaded mot ....:(

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