
New Member
does anyone know if the military arial that goes ontop of the thing that looks like a potato masher that's on the sides of the rear tub of FFR landies, would work for a cb radio?

I'd assume it does but don't know if theres different types of radio (like fm, am etc??)

no, it won't work - unless the military radio is 27MHz (which it's not).
an antenna has to be an exact fraction of the wavelength that it's designed to work with.
aye but it involves pennies.

still, theres one that looks like the military base so i might get that for "authenticity"
What you have to do is check what the resistance of the arial you have is. You should be able to download a chart from the net. If the the resistance is to high, you may be able to snip off a piece of the whip (thats the long thin thingy that points to wards the sky) :) Check your CB and it should tell you what the OHM output is. Check against the chart (if you find one) and snip of the excess. Let me know if you can't find a chart. I think one of my mates has one lying around and I can check that if you give me your radio specs.
Thanks folks and I'm probably just going to buy a new aerial (and I've even learnt to spell aerial now) when i buy my CB radio.
What you have to do is check what the resistance of the arial you have is. You should be able to download a chart from the net. If the the resistance is to high, you may be able to snip off a piece of the whip (thats the long thin thingy that points to wards the sky) :) Check your CB and it should tell you what the OHM output is. Check against the chart (if you find one) and snip of the excess. Let me know if you can't find a chart. I think one of my mates has one lying around and I can check that if you give me your radio specs.

Shortening your aerial doesn't affect it's resistance. The length of the aerial affects the wave length been transmitted and received Each waveband has it's own wavelength and the aerial has to match. CB operate on 27Mhz which is approximately 11mtr. Amateur radio on the 2mtr band is 144-146mhz and 70cm is 440Mhz On each band width the aerial has to match in multiples either full length or in fractions 1/2 wave, 1/4 wave 5/8wave etc.
True enough. Didn 't want to confuse the issue with to much tech details. I think the normal Ohm's for a CB aerial is 20 Ohms. Not to sure what the specs for the military ones are. Depends on the radio type I should imagine. Normally you would have someone that has access to a SWR meter to check out the aerial for you.
But if it's the wrong length it's resistance won't make the slightest difference. He'll never get the SWR down to a safe level. All he's got to do is buy a cb aerial and mount it on the army mounting bracket and the jobs a goodun. Just increasing the length of the coax cable can bugger the output up

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