
Active Member
Hi, selling off some old Army clothes if anyones interested, various sizes, mainly jackets, have 4 for some reason, colleced over the yrs after being issued new ones ;) also some trousers and a shirt.

All stuff is DPM (Disruptive Patterned Material)

mostly next to new and large and medium sizes..

Now we have a new style uniform in the army i have no need for this stuff..

I know all you Disco guys like wearing old army jackets :)
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you tight git, are you selling free swag that we(the tax paying public) already pay for? :lol: ;)
We actually pay for it with our first months wage when in basic training

well stone a crow, i didnt know the MOD make you buy your own ****.

And i moan if i get **** free clothes. :eek:

Carry on Private! :D
me and my wife are both in and have just been issued the new MTP kit, so we had to hand in what we have signed for (the tax payers uniform... ) but we have bought and aquired a few bits over the years so as we cant wear it anymore thought it may aswel go.. some sold on Eblag last night but will stick some pics up tonight if anyone is interested..

What about the bullets you fire in about the place? You just leave 'em lying about littering the place or perhaps a swan might swallow one and get poisoned. The least you could do is go and pick them all up as we are not all made of money. A lot of Taliban catch the bullets for you so they make it a bit easier.

A concerned tax-payer
Talking of a waste of tax payers money, the new kit is a load of crap and falls apart, I've had 2 new sets in the past year. My old dpm lasted me for years, the only time it had to be exchanged was when it had a argument with some razor wire.

New stuff is made in china too, nice one government for sending uk business abroad again!!

Rant over!😜
You don't buy your own kit - it's all issued unless you wish to buy more. However, there are certain items that officers are unable to exchange. As a result, officers receive a tax allowance of £49.99 per month.
What about the bullets you fire in about the place? You just leave 'em lying about littering the place or perhaps a swan might swallow one and get poisoned. The least you could do is go and pick them all up as we are not all made of money. A lot of Taliban catch the bullets for you so they make it a bit easier.

A concerned tax-payer

What are you on about? :scratching_chin:
You don't buy your own kit - it's all issued unless you wish to buy more. However, there are certain items that officers are unable to exchange. As a result, officers receive a tax allowance of £49.99 per month.

Thats what i did,bought and aquired more hence selling it off now.. ;)

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