
New Member
Hello all

new on here and looking to hopefully pick up a few hints and tips to make life easier. I have a particular weakness for armoured landrovers and their foibles. Just what you need to shopping at Aldi. My current landie is a Shorland SB401 ( that should get you googling ) who is a fun old girl with a tendancy to fight back whenever you work on her and have the scars to prove it LOL.
Look forward to seeing what I can find.
Not sure if I have any interior shots come to think of it ! Once I move the "new" bathroom out the back where it is living at the moment I will take some


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My current landie is a Shorland SB401 ( that should get you googling )
Yes! Yes it did! And I left the search open otherwise it's going to make me late for work:(
Some of them have a "boat tail design" what's that for/advantage of that?
Welcome. I had the pleasure of getting to go round Penman Engineering in Dumfries back in the noughties. Home of the"snatch" 110. Awesome beasties with V8's n uprated everything. They were on a MOD contract taking the armoured 110's from Northern Ireland and refurbishing to go to Iraq. They had some experimental US really HD patrol vehicles for ideas. My impression was that the Series / Defender concepts were limited as evidenced by critics of the snatch n introduction of the current generation of desert fighting vehicles. Landys best at lightweight desert work vis Pink Panthers etc. I'm no military expert but sad it's moved on. Heyday of military landys 1950-1980's from Korea to Falklands. Hey has anyone spotted the obvious error in the closing frames of Ice Cold in Alex? As the film closes you are in a vehicle looking out the back; check the Series 2 parked as it passes, or were Landy's a secret war weapon . If you want to what real 4x4 is watch that film, a classic war B&W film. One for when yae have nae interruptions, a warm fire, n some beers. Yeah.
Welcome to the mad house, I bet you get some really funny looks parking that down the supermarket but I reckon nobody parks next to you either
My other half and I were into weird sports cars for years ( and still are come to think of it ) and I can honestly say you get a heck of a lot more looks , people taking photos whilst driving etc etc than we ever did with the cars. Always wave at police officers aswell as it confuses the heck out of them ! There is still plenty of life left in the idea of armoured landrovers yet its just that the threats and political side has moved on. I was working with a number of defence contractors a few years ago which is how I came to acquire the Shorland and saw at close hand the "new" generation of vehicles which are all very well protected but useless in anything other than a desert as houses and things tend to get in the way if you tried to drive one in the UK.
I know the snatch / cav 100 well and also the Tangi used in Ireland. What I did notice in my opinion of course is that whoever designed the original Shorland range really knew what they were doing and in many ways they were better designed than the later ones which is mad.
I have been cut up by a few idiots in cars as we all have who do not appreciate it takes a bit longer for me to stop.............. occasional blast of the siren does tend to get their attention ( not on public roads of course ahem ).
The boat tail bum was to house the spare wheel and petrol tank and to minimise the area covered by armour to reduce the weight. Most of those apart from specials also had hatches and no bulletproof glass. If someone shot at you then you closed the window.
My landie started off with hatches and following a cancelled government contract was taken on by the RUC who then modified it with armoured windows etc and was one of five made. Local plod were polite but firm that there was no way I could have crimestoppers back on so as I love Stornoway Grey and it really confuses people she was resprayed in that colour. Upsets police car collectors and military enthusiasts alike but can live with that.
I am after a Sandringham Six preferably knackered if anyone knows of one lying around but would never sell the Shorland which does not compute with my other half !
Glad I make people jealous but you may not be if you had to locate and pay for spares of fuel ! Based on a Stage 1 V8 and was first registered in 1987. Does an annual run to Folkestone from Preston so about 300 miles one way and sometimes even gets home without help of a recovery truck. Driving her is fun though you do need to be awake as its not easy. Anyone who has driven a fully laden series landrover will know what I mean as she weighs 3.1 tons empty.
Body apart from front wings is armour plate between 7 and 8 mm thick , floor is ballistic fibreglass, axles are Salisbury front and rear and the glass is 36mm thick. I took out optional windscreen cover on the insurance for a £100 excess which is a bargain when they are about £450 each. Would love to phone Autoglass.....
I was only 2 when 'Ice Cold in Alex came out but I'm pretty sure it was a series 1. Mind it was 57 years ago.
Hello all

new on here and looking to hopefully pick up a few hints and tips to make life easier. I have a particular weakness for armoured landrovers and their foibles. Just what you need to shopping at Aldi. My current landie is a Shorland SB401 ( that should get you googling ) who is a fun old girl with a tendancy to fight back whenever you work on her and have the scars to prove it LOL.
Look forward to seeing what I can find.
Awesome vehicle. Your local Aldi must be a challenge! :D
Its the little old ladies at Aldi you have to watch out for they are evil ! Finally managed to attache a few more snaps. She wasn't always loved !
Just needed somebody brave and stoopid enough to take her on LOL. Most landies are like that it seems. Met some fab people since getting her such as the Essex landrover club who I begged for help once and flat refused ........ until I had a beer with them ! best buds now for some reason


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