
New Member

Today i fitted a cubby box into a 1999 3 door FL as i have always wanted a arm rest .The front fixing are ok but the back fixing has a bracket but i could not see how it fixes So i left it off .
Do i need to drill it ? has anybody had the same problem when you have installed one.

i just put four long screws in the lift up lid [came wiff the kit] it were easy. . . . . .:)
cheers boss

been trying for donkeys with diffrent online places with no luck, quite often no reply's. see how this goes.
Another thing i did was find ebayers that are breaking and request the part asap.

let me know how you get on.

i was looking at cubby boxes on ebay but my interior is the the old dirty Tan colour so could never find anything to match.

got the order in anyway, see what comes back.

yes thanks,

john daunter supply's:confused: 60 squid. delivery due on friday, comes with switches and loom. even got the right colour chuffed to bits i can finally get the arm rest straight after.:cool:

next thing on the list is an A bar they quoted 60 squid again for that.:)

keep you posted on that.

again thanks for the pointer, top site


Glad you are all sorted .best thing i have fitted I am going to change the colour of my arm rest i got the Alpaca and i think i should have got the black.

yeh my last motor had the arm rest, fairly missed it this time round,

apalca is the closest colour i can get to my interior.

let you know how the fitting goes.

tis an odd world

if you spoke to a tractor owner about an Alpaca they'd say it was a long legged wooly sheepish looking thing

Freelander owners would say it's the colour of their armrest


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