
New Member
I'd be so disapointed if I hadn't bought my Discovery 2.
It's the first LR I've owned and when it's right it's brilliant! But boy, I'm glad I love playing with spanners. I've owned the disco since July, bought with no faults but developed quite a handful over the last six months.

The weird thing is I'm sure it does have a personality, it seems to sulk if I don't give it continual love and atention.
The biggest sulk it had was when it split the green fuel line and dumped £80 worth of diesel in 3 days (before my missus desided to tell me there was a strange smell of diesel???). When I went out to have a look under her (no not the missus) she desided to sit down on her a**e as if not wanting to let me have a look underneath? No problem I thought, I'll start her up re-inflate the air suspension and have a look. No way, she said and refused to start until I ended up with a flat battery..(Oh forgot to say I couldn't open the rear door, she decided to seize up the hinge so I couldn't get at the fuel pump)!
Jump started the LR, fitted new pipe, changed the air springs and all's well.

Horn started going off today when I left her, SHE's sulking again! No she isn't she needs a new horn button.

Radio stopped working the other day, then started again, SHE's sulking again so I washed her, she's happy now.

Don't laugh, I owned a Frontera 2 for three years previously, problems? No not one!

Do I love her, would I have another one? Of course I would!! Land Rover's, they're great when they work..Thanks for all the advice that made fixing her easy and inexpensive..:)
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D'oh! I knew that was a big mistake..Ok, I washed some of the mud off the windsceen to see the road...

I do struggle with this one, my wife spends 2 hours every day off road driving across fields to see to her horses so the LR really does see some mud.
The problem is I don't have any issues with that, that's what LR are built for but I still like to see a clean car (I know I have a cleaning problem) so it still gets the works every week and I believe it helps with reliability.

Like the Christine idea, laughed me socks off!! It's a bit like that though LR's do seem to be posesssed! :eek:
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