Ooh, I might finally have my Landy back one the road by then!

Or maybe the year after next... :rolleyes:
I told Accy that if he was lovely enough to change my username , i'd put my name down for flipping burgers at the next bash ..:doh:
Hope you do come, you'll see the forum bravado melt away after a few beers and a wedge of cake or three.... ;)

Don't think my bravado melted away .. a few drinks and I danced quite happily.

Well ... when I said a few drinks .. when my knees buckled it was 'cos they ain't working well, nothing to do with the beer, no siree, nothing to do with the beer. ;)
Don't think my bravado melted away .. a few drinks and I danced quite happily.

Well ... when I said a few drinks .. when my knees buckled it was 'cos they ain't working well, nothing to do with the beer, no siree, nothing to do with the beer. ;)
I weren't there on the Sat night so will have to check this information Paul... hmmm...
Don't think my bravado melted away .. a few drinks and I danced quite happily.

Well ... when I said a few drinks .. when my knees buckled it was 'cos they ain't working well, nothing to do with the beer, no siree, nothing to do with the beer. ;)

the word "hammered" springs to mind.......:D
LOL ... as was this ...


Will we ever forget?


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