
New Member
I'm a newbie who really wants an l322 range rover but getting really disheartened with everyone telling me they are rubbish! Even my local mechanic, who I have bin going to for years and often wrk on Astons, bentleys, range rovers ect says they are pants!. I was hoping to get a low miles under 80k v8 model vogue and wondered wot your experiences are of this model, I'm thinking with no turbo to worry about and the gearbox been a little better lol than the td6 I would have a few less things to worry about, wishfully thinking maybe but I would really aprieciate some real word answers instead of more like there rubbish and you must be mad lol
people are jelous of the L322 ( mostly P38 owners) :p

yes they can be very costly and a lot of trouble when they break... i used to think "why did i buy a range rover" when mine broke ! but you soon forget about that when there working :)

there's something about them, very satisfying to drive.

get as new model as you can afford.

a facelift one would be best imo

even after two years of ownership with my TD6, i can say that i still look forward to driving it everyday ! something that i haven't experienced with other cars :)
good luck !
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They are AWESOME

BUT - they are unreliable and costly to repair...the rear quarter leaks trashing the electronics, and even the V8 gearbox is prone to issues on the 2002-2005 models as much as the GM box on the diesels..only less catastrophic when it goes...

The V8 Engine is strong aslong as it is well maintained...

The ride is sublime, the drive is awesome and is certainly a nice place to be...

But they are expensive to run, and will empty a healthy bank balance quickly if you can't diagnose and DIY your own repairs....

An L322 on a budget is not a good thing, so make sure you keep some cash to one side for repairs....

The biggest bug bear is the electrical niggles they have...but keep on top of maintenance, and sort the gearbox as soon as you get any issues...and they'll do you fine...just don't get one, then realise the Alternator is £400...ONE Air Strut is over £200....the Thermostat is £70....ONE cat is £500...(all these prices don't include the VAT either)

Never Ever buy a Range Rover with faults...ever unless you know what it is going to cost tofix
Wot probs have you had so far mate and how long have you owned yours? I was hoping to get a 2005 model with the updated sat nav screen
I prob should have added I'm use to running expensive jap performance cars weather they are in a diff league I'm not sure
Clarkson & May from Top Gear both drive Rangies and both claim that it's the best car there is. However they've also both admitted, on air, that they love them till they break, then hate the repair bill, then fall in love with them again.
Clarkson & May from Top Gear both drive Rangies and both claim that it's the best car there is. However they've also both admitted, on air, that they love them till they break, then hate the repair bill, then fall in love with them again.

true !

after all the cars they drive and test, they still choose a range rover ?

over all those other cars they could have ;)
Wot probs have you had so far mate and how long have you owned yours? I was hoping to get a 2005 model with the updated sat nav screen
I have had mine since May 2012 so about 6 months...

You can search for my posts on:

In tank Fuel Pump replacement
ABS Sensors replaced
Brakes all round
Wheel Nuts (that was fun!!)
Water Pump
EAS Recalibration
Gearbox Vibration leading to a Fluid & Filter Change

And a few electrical niggles that just needed reseting on the Diagnostics....sometimes they just want attention :D

Wouldn't have anything else...
Wot probs have you had so far mate and how long have you owned yours? I was hoping to get a 2005 model with the updated sat nav screen

stretch to a 2006 and get the facelift...

they look much better :)

with newer electrical systems, better gearboxes etc...

and you can get the fantastic TDv8 engine..

im saving up for mine :D
Yes I've already depressed myself with homework on parts prices lol. Wot about the tdv8 model? Maybe a cud save longer and go for that model, have they proven to be less problematic
and every time they go driving across the country or the continent on some trial or race then the cameras are pointing out the back of Rangies.
I prob should have added I'm use to running expensive jap performance cars weather they are in a diff league I'm not sure
The Range Rover is in a different league I said, a Range Rover L322 will empty a healthy Bank Balance rapidly when it goes wrong!
Yes I've already depressed myself with homework on parts prices lol. Wot about the tdv8 model? Maybe a cud save longer and go for that model, have they proven to be less problematic
The TDV8 is a much better option...but at currently twice the price if not more for the cheapest TDV8 they are still in demand...

Only issue I have heard is the Alternator fails at 60k intervals...and aslong as the 'box is serviced regularly, it is releativly trouble free...but the car will still suffer minor electrical niggles...
Yes I've seen videos on YouTube showing clarkson talking about his, the thing is I do alot of outdoor activities, we have a lab we take to the Yorkshire dales alot, I like shooting ect snd thort it would be a classy vehicle to do it all in lol
Yes I've seen videos on YouTube showing clarkson talking about his, the thing is I do alot of outdoor activities, we have a lab we take to the Yorkshire dales alot, I like shooting ect snd thort it would be a classy vehicle to do it all in lol
Classy yes, reliable no....
Yes I've seen videos on YouTube showing clarkson talking about his, the thing is I do alot of outdoor activities, we have a lab we take to the Yorkshire dales alot, I like shooting ect snd thort it would be a classy vehicle to do it all in lol

perfeeecct for shooting :)

mine is great fun over the fields looking for rabbits :D
minor in comparison to the early L322's ?

or is it because they have not reached the old enough age bracket yet ?
Both...:eek: :D

Give them another 5 years and they will be in the same 'reliability' league as the 2002-2006 L322's

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