
New Member
Right Boys and especially Girls............

Several parties down the line it seems to me most LZ folks don't turn up, them that do dissapear overnight so i am thinking.............:D

Are any of you actually up to partying and offroading wi' the Riff-Raff Division™?

If you can handle your Landy and your Booze then come and prove it, i guarantee it will be worth your while......;) :D :cool:
Where exactly is it were to go?

This could be the issue with us not turning up, you have not given us any indication to where you want us to go!
More loike 'slim willy' oil reckon... yer a pseudo oirish whatsit if ever oil be a day fer sure! ... errr... yer ****a!
Fancy retyping that in english boy?

Gimme £50 an' i'll show you how slim it is, split you in two and make you scream for Mummy little man.........
Hmmm, not sure I want to party or do anything else with a rent boy.

I thought I'd got away from all this type'o macho bulllsheeiite when I left the patch club scene!
Fancy retyping that in english boy?

Gimme £50 an' i'll show you how slim it is, split you in two and make you scream for Mummy little man.........

Abuse! Abuse! - Accy this person is being nasty to forum members!
send him a pre-pre-verbal-warning type thingy.
ah the big macho jim willy, who still has to prove his prowess by the number of pints he can drink. is your life really that sad that you have to count the drinks you supp. yes remember only pussies cant take their beer. is this the same group of people that come on here moaning about the language then on the riff-raff every post contains bad language. ah yes riff-raff, now there's a funny thing. a site that contains nothing but bad language run by who, i hear you say. well, its run by the one and only MIMIMAN ffs. talk about double standards
I think mm was saying that there is a time and place for everything.

Who decides wot this forum should or shouldnt do - the forum members - or Accy and Roy?
Fancy retyping that in english boy?

Gimme £50 an' i'll show you how slim it is, split you in two and make you scream for Mummy little man.........
this one's good! he on another fred parping on about how people that use the '*' wurds have limited intelligence then he comes away with the "big nob" line.
that shows a lack of ability to think of any witty and is a clear sign of being thick..
not to mention offensive. is mightymouse gonna have a go at him??
ah yes riff-raff, now there's a funny thing. a site that contains nothing but bad language run by who, i hear you say. well, its run by the one and only MIMIMAN ffs. talk about double standards

Yeh but Riff Raff is a private site its not public. Its ok guys I will keep me mouth shut next time its not worth the hastle....:rolleyes:
dont try to be something you aint, if you hadnt of harped onm about the language it would have all died down a long time ago

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