Hello Everyone, I know this isn't strictly Landy, but who knows more about welding than Landy owners?! I dropped my welding mask earlier and broke the lense, I only had a bit to do so I just looked the other way whilst I did it, However, I forgot that I wear glasses now and it took me a few blasts to realise the arc was reflecting right back into my eye, prat, I have no pain, yet, but am just wondering if I'll likely be affected or not, and if there is anyway to prevent/lessen the pain before it starts, or even spot any early symptoms, I've had a few direct glances before and have not been affected, but I'm feeling unlucky today.
Hello Everyone, I know this isn't strictly Landy, but who knows more about welding than Landy owners?! I dropped my welding mask earlier and broke the lense, I only had a bit to do so I just looked the other way whilst I did it, However, I forgot that I wear glasses now and it took me a few blasts to realise the arc was reflecting right back into my eye, prat, I have no pain, yet, but am just wondering if I'll likely be affected or not, and if there is anyway to prevent/lessen the pain before it starts, or even spot any early symptoms, I've had a few direct glances before and have not been affected, but I'm feeling unlucky today.
If you don't have spots in front of your eyes like when you gets blinded by oncoming headlamps then you should be ok.

Being in the work I am, it does happen from time to time. Not recently, as I now have my speedglass helmet! hehe

If you do awake, or feel it, don't try to relieve the pain with water, it will feel twice as bad, I use milk, this seems to soothe my eyes, as it has a fatty film I think. Anyway, it is up to you, but I use milk, and so do alot of friends, just in an egg cup, or eye bath, and wash the eyes with it.

Then a pair of sunglasses, or tinted glasses may help tomorow, to keep the sunlight out a bit, they may be needed for a day or two, untill you feel better.

Hope that helps you a bit, and anyone else that may get effected! hehe

Lastly, buy a speedglass helmet, a bit dear, but great masks! (I am not part of speedglass either! hehe)


my mate gave himself bad arc eye years ago
he was arc welding without a mask for ages ended up in hospito; for the night and eye wraps for a week
silly sod didnt do it again
it may itch in the morning but i recon youll be fine
get a speedmask mate they are worth there wieght in gold and dont brake so easy if droped
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odcJ-vS22rI"]YouTube- Mister Sandman - The Chordettes[/nomedia]

thanks everyone, but I'm okay, tips will probably be useful for someone else one day though, it does sound nasty, I really thought I was going to wake up in agony.
i watched a bloke arc welding wearing sunglasses a few years back,i told him it was a bit daft and he said 'i've always done it like this',mind you he did look like an extra from the film 'deliverance'!
If you wear glasses a lot of the uv will be reflected, industrial plants make employees wear clear safety specs all the time partly for this reason.
Still use your mask while snotting up, and the right shade, at least a 10 or 11 for landy bashing.
Si knows about arc eye... ask him :D

only as some bugger told him he would be ok in just clear spex :eek:

over the last few years iv taught me self to look up and focus high, then weld in the lower blured vision, DONT BOTHER its a ****in killer :mad: :doh: i use a auto flash mask now, a decent quaity one. i only tacked up like this , but eventualy it keeps you awake at night, yer cant drive in the sun etc etc, a few direct flashes off an arc welder wont really hurt yer eyes, i just blink and tack ( blind tacking ) when setting up ,

mig weld arcs are far softer than stick mma welds, gas cutting wil give yer a good blured vision too :D:D after iv been cutting fer 6 - 8 hrs all il see is blue shadows :rolleyes:
Theres a geyser on eblag selling auto darken welding masks for 20 quid, they even have a shade control, I have one they are the dogs for 20 quid.
Get some aaa batteries in first though, my mrs bollocked me for nicking the tv remote ones.
Mate been there was one of the most painfull things ever (had a compound fracture to my right thigh - ended up sitting on my knee, as my thigh folded 180 degrees in the middle) but had nothing on arc eye. When I was a lad I was welding with a 6 X 8 sheet of ali behind me for aout 6 hours. I woke up at 03:00 thinking I was having my skull burn out from the front. Fa ck me if you got it you know about it. I was told after hospital that I had burn away the backs of my eyes and for 3 days I would have "limited" sight read: saw any light at all And it was agony. I did not have any signs this was happen apart from a slightly enhanced colour perception - I you have had a migraine... Other wise if you think you done it stay with some one who can drive cause in the middle of the night you wake you thinking somebody has got a blow tourch in your eye sockets and you'll need somebody to take you to A&E....

....So when your thinking your blind and what a w$nker you are for doing it just remember 4 days later (and when the iching behind the eye pad subsides) you'll be right.

.....Poor b4 stard.....
stay with some one who can drive cause in the middle of the night you wake you thinking somebody has got a blow tourch in your eye sockets and you'll need somebody to take you to A&E....
Or just feel ya way to the hospital & stagger thru the doors of A&E screaming "I'm blind I'm fooking Blind" :eek: Mind yu I was only 16. :eek:

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