
New Member
I have a wet boot, I think its coming from the apline window. Can anyone describe how to re seal them?


Do I need to remove the rubber seal from the window?

Do I need to remove the window?

How do I do this?

None of the above- I just cut the silicone nozzle at a 45 degree angle only very close to the tip giving a fine line- applied along the body side of the glass - smooth off with a wet index finger- allowed to dry then remove any surplous silicone with a plastic craft knife- to avoid any bodywork scratching ;)

repeat the process on the glass side of the seal hey presto no leak

Les :D
Thanks for all the help - I'm going to go to a marine supplier up the road from me at lunch and try and get some "Captain Tolleys Creeping Crack Cure" as it looks good.

I'm also going to get some clear silicone and put this on too.

Just glad I don't have to take the windows out yet!

I'll let you know how I get on - if it stops raining eneugh at the weekend to do it!

Put the "Captain Tolleys Creeping Crack Cure" all round the alpine window and the rear window outside the shop. Took about 3 minutes.
Re-applied saturday am.
Had to hose down the car on Sunday after getting stuck in a bog in Ireland and being pulled out by a tractor - bit embarassing really.
Couldn't see any leaks.
Also rained on drive back -again could not see any water.

Will have to wait for carpet and sound proofing to dry and see if it stays dry but so far seems to have done the trick.

Thanks for help.

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