
New Member
Have had a look but can't find anything specific to my problem.
I'm after solutions.....
When I have the main beam on I have no way of seeing the blue light on the dash simply because it is shielded by the steering wheel!
If I move the steering wheel down I can just about see the blue glow but blocks out the speedo. The only way I can see it is if I'm slumped in the seat.
For some reason the seats aren't height adjustable as this would of fixed it!
I'm 6'1" so not an unusual height.
Anyone have any solutions?
You could take the instrument binnacle off and reposition it at a better viewing angle.

Or you could splice in another blue LED in parallel with the original one and position it wherever you find comfortable to look at.

Or you could rig up some kind of periscope system that allows you to see the precious blue light.

Or you could stop being so pathetic and deal with it without whining.

As a general guide - if your headlights are really bright, they are on main beam and if they are less bright, they are not. Memorising this information solves the tragedy of not being able to see the blue light.

I feel that your reply was some what pathetic.
This is from a safety aspect not wanting to blind people on dark roads.

If you have nothing constructive to say, rather than give an idiotic piece of advice dont bother saying anything at all. Maybe get a hobby instead of trawling the internet looking for responses you can lay down to make yourself feel better. Just saying
How about move the steering wheel up to its full Hight and a just your seat back that will solve the problem with minimum fuss. :)
Read what you posted originally.

No seriously - go back and read it.

You want actual, practical solutions because your F*CKING SEATING POSITION MEANS THE WHEEL OBSCURES A TELL-TALE LAMP!

What do you want us to tell you?
I feel that your reply was some what pathetic.
This is from a safety aspect not wanting to blind people on dark roads.

If you have nothing constructive to say, rather than give an idiotic piece of advice dont bother saying anything at all. Maybe get a hobby instead of trawling the internet looking for responses you can lay down to make yourself feel better. Just saying

Wind yer neck in numpty ...

otherwise the wrath of LZ will descend on you ...
I've told you lot before.....NO HUMOUR ALLOWED!

It may appear, at first glance, harmless but may lead to sniggering, tittering, giggling or in extreme cases, a reply that is so lacking in humorous density it collaspes in on it self forming a black hole and drag all of us over the event horizon from which we finally emerge to find time has slowed to a crawl and our eyebrows knitted in a permanent serious scowl......

Yes.....LRO :eek::eek:
being only a 5ft 9 ins I used to be taller but back injury and old age you get shorter I had not problem, BUT then my son in law came to drive my Freelander and he said the same, they are not built for taller people, the only way around and I sympathise with you it to run another little bulb or led with a long wire and say go up the panel at the side of the windscreen at eye height. with all of my lamps on the front you have no problem telling when you are on full beam.LOL DSC_0083.JPG
I can't see mine either but, to be honest, I don't have a problem. I only use full on backroads etc and you know when its on or not. I also tend to notice other lights approaching so know when I'll need to dip. Simples. [emoji4]
Have had a look but can't find anything specific to my problem.
I'm after solutions.....
When I have the main beam on I have no way of seeing the blue light on the dash simply because it is shielded by the steering wheel!
If I move the steering wheel down I can just about see the blue glow but blocks out the speedo. The only way I can see it is if I'm slumped in the seat.
For some reason the seats aren't height adjustable as this would of fixed it!
I'm 6'1" so not an unusual height.
Anyone have any solutions?
sometimes the type of bulbs fitted cause it to stop illuminating I've had this in the past...

ignore me didn't read it properly..

but sounds like a booster seat is required
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Got it! Stick a post it note on the steering wheel when you switch to main beam.. see.. just needed a little thought.. ;)

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