half shafts, cv's and cam belts on standby lads :D

Good luck. :lol:
wot u got planned? doing bit of electrickery work at the mo but hopefully all back together again by sunday
I just had a thought if you are doing the plains...
there 'may' be a need for LZIR sometime mid to late morning which I might be compelled to help. (Rather than bloody leafleting)

Rich give me a call if you need my special LZIR skills ;)
I just had a thought if you are doing the plains...
there 'may' be a need for LZIR sometime mid to late morning which I might be compelled to help. (Rather than bloody leafleting)

Rich give me a call if you need my special LZIR skills ;)
just send me a discreet txt if ya like and I can make that special phone call if ya like;)
If anybody is going to the plains tomorrow and doesn't mind us tagging along, where do you meet and what time?

Cheers Phil
Jut a few pics and videos,

I got stuck in the very last DEEP puddle of the day once I was pulled out the the alternator light came on, I plugged in my digital volt meter into the cig lighter and it was pumping out 18.4 v and was doing so for around 4 miles down the road, I had my my headlights on but there not working, iv got main and sidelights ??? Is it possible the high v has cooked the dipped element, iv checked fuses but still no go ???

http://s789.beta.photobucket.com/user/gillett33/library/Lrz day out on the plains
Jut a few pics and videos,

I got stuck in the very last DEEP puddle of the day once I was pulled out the the alternator light came on, I plugged in my digital volt meter into the cig lighter and it was pumping out 18.4 v and was doing so for around 4 miles down the road, I had my my headlights on but there not working, iv got main and sidelights ??? Is it possible the high v has cooked the dipped element, iv checked fuses but still no go ???

Lrz Day Out On The Plains Photos by gillett33 | Photobucket
what this one lol:D

check relays in footwells keith for lights

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