ha! ....Coz we have the solar panel (80watts on a stand tracking the sun and 2 x 130amp leisure bats) suppling power for the TV, DVD, fridge/freezer, lights and all the other periverals including shower, some say "that's not camping!" I say yes it is, just 21 century style. Example ...the day Engand got knocked out of the world cup. Me and her hate football but the site was full of flags ...not electric unless you were a caravan (ho-hum) so we put up the arial, the digi-box, and TV all on 12v and had 30plus guests whatching the game, me and her at the back with the girls havin a laugh, the boys whatchin the game ...whata day ...excellent!! See you can't get 30 plus people in a caravan can ya? (...no not anyone over 30 years old ...ho-hum) so no atmosphere!

....don't get me talking about the chiminea or BBQ


Yeah right, Caravans Tents, HA yer a set of poofs gimme a sleeping bag under a hedge any day.
ha sleeping bag??hedge?? you're lucky ! all we had had was a damp paper bag and a leaf
Me bitter and twisted never,but back to the thread boys nothing happening this weekend but starting Friday 20th October there is a green lane weekend in the Peak District with tents and beer and even some Land Rovers doin some laning.See the web site at www.maythegreenovalbewithyou.piczo.com come along you might even enjoy it.


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