Tis a shame they din't stock pile Freelander's anorl

They did...…………….:p
Everyone is claiming they bought the last so many off the line. I do know shb have a load. Probably sat on a runway decaying.
Apparently they were landrovers biggest customer for years and bought hundreds off them as an investment to hopefully appreciate in value
Their hire fleet appear to be mostly hi-lux’s and the like now so perhaps the defenders were bought to sell on...
There was a number of companies who bragged about buying lots of tratters. They could and lr did sell to some customers int bulk. But very few of these bulk buyers have the bottle to post a pic to prove they have the stock.
I'm obviously going mad or blind cos looking at their web site I could swear they are looking for 75K for a fender.
I reckon mine would be a steal at 35K for someone then – a 50 % discount. Yes it's a little worn round the edges but that just means I've wrinkled out any problems. And the flaking paintwork is just “patina” obviously.

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