Last call before I weigh it in - anyone want a jig for making castor corrected axle casings, plus a front axle casing that has been cut and prepped ready to weld? I need the garage space back, so it's got to go, either on here or to the scrap man.
Don't scrap it! I've currently got room to store it if you want to make it 'thetim's LZ communal axle wizardry device'. Whereabouts are you Tim?
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Boguing, I'm in Derby, if anyone's nearby - but I need it gone. It's getting weighed in on Saturday if it's still here.

James, agreed, it's the sort of thing that ought to be declared - but I've had a couple of modified LRs with Adrian Flux and as long as you're not increasing the horsepower, they're really not at all bothered what you do. I even asked them about rear steer (locked out on road) and a chassis stretch. Wouldn't have increased my premium!
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Tim, I've had a look at courier prices and it's not too bad. I'll send you a pm.
Hi Tim,

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