Judging by the two previous answers. We maybe able to kill two birds with one stone. :D:D:D
the place were the sport was bogged ( its been recovered now ) i know like the back of my hand , only a couple of year ago there was a team of agriculteral contractors replacing fenceing and they got 2 6x6 articulated tractors bogged and had to be winched out the ground is very soft and peaty and no one in their right mind would attempt to take a vehicle over there :confused: im surprised it even got as far as it did .
speaking of our asian friends :rolleyes: , theres loads of them around bolton who drive rangie sports flying around like absolute knobs showing off to their buddies it wouldn`t surprise me if it wasn`t one of these tits who owned the sorry looking sport :D:D.

you mean County Durham then:confused:

Try Northumbria as in North of the Humber. and that included west & east Yorks and most of Lancastershire at one point with everything between the Humber and the Thames Been The Kingdom of Mercia. INC Birmngham and London, See them suffern cockney fookers are YamYam's really.. :D
Try Northumbria as in North of the Humber. and that included west & east Yorks and most of Lancastershire at one point with everything between the Humber and the Thames Been The Kingdom of Mercia. INC Birmngham and London, See them suffern cockney fookers are YamYam's really.. :D

i remember me mam telling me that where we used to live was once on the mercian border, i've never seen that on a map though.

dunt matter though, in the end we're all up here and they're all down there :D
the place were the sport was bogged ( its been recovered now ) i know like the back of my hand , only a couple of year ago there was a team of agriculteral contractors replacing fenceing and they got 2 6x6 articulated tractors bogged and had to be winched out the ground is very soft and peaty and no one in their right mind would attempt to take a vehicle over there :confused: im surprised it even got as far as it did .
speaking of our asian friends :rolleyes: , theres loads of them around bolton who drive rangie sports flying around like absolute knobs showing off to their buddies it wouldn`t surprise me if it wasn`t one of these tits who owned the sorry looking sport :D:D.


They have dodgy insurance, and they are done on finance for 6 monthes which they don't pay and it goes back then they do it again. Was told all about it by an 18 year old in a brand new r8 in my days working in brum
Many moons ago (early sixties) spent the weekend with some mates at another mates near the Elephant and Castle. Hales buildings i believe IIRC. You would have been amazed at the number of parked cars that had been stripped with the bonnets and boots open sat on bricks with no wheels there were around. Yeah it was like Beirut. We were all totally taken aback, different world to ours up north.

You don't see the abandoned/stripped cars now in Sarf London, they're worth too much as scrap, plus the drug dealers can afford posh new motors these days.
You don't see the abandoned/stripped cars now in Sarf London, they're worth too much as scrap, plus the drug dealers can afford posh new motors these days.

Classic about the guy who had a flat and went to get his jack out the boot. When he came back to front of the car a bloke had the bonnet up. "What you doing?" he asks. "Well" says the bloke, "If you're havin the wheels i'm havin the battery".
Thing is it will need something serious to pull it out of there. Or a very long rope. Obviously got stuck before it snowed. So the ground can't be regarded as good. Whoever put it there must have a had a rare sense of humour. Or been totally stupid.

Or it was snowing and frozen solid. could be sitting on deep marshes or maybe even quicksand, lol. :eek::D:D
My old man used to connect an electric fence unit to his works van when it was parked outside, cable was hidden in the slot drain across the pavement, used to make the buggers jump when they touched it.
My old man used to connect an electric fence unit to his works van when it was parked outside, cable was hidden in the slot drain across the pavement, used to make the buggers jump when they touched it.

Now I like that idea !!! I have a spare fencer unit kicking about :)

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