
Active Member
Evening folks right looking at my chassis swap sometime in the future and came across Black Paw 4x4 . ( I won a defender bumper on ebay so collected in person whilst passing). Has anybody had any dealings with them and if so what where they like?

Doing my research before I spend quite a few grand on a new chassis, (don't have time to swap it myself) they seem like a top little outfit but would rather hear it from others

Just seen this post and thought id have some input. I recently brought my 90 and have had some work done by a company locally (who i am not going to name) however my confidence In there work is deminishing.

Which leads me onto blackpaw: As I havent yet had any work done by them I cant really comment directly on the workmanship. However one thing I can say is that after looking up this blackpaw last week as it is not far from where I am working at the moment. I was suprised to find that the director. Was a lad that I grew up with in the same village, and went to school together all b it different years groups. One thing I can comment on is that he is a very genuine and honest lad from a family of equal integrity. And I look forward dealing with blackpaw with the confidence that these qualitys will be carryed into all of his work and business.

Hope this helps
they look expencive on their work cant rember exactly in the mag it was 70 quid to change a stop soliniod and £150 to reseal a roof !
Ben who runs Black Paw has been around Land Rovers for a while now. He used to, might still do, run bush mechanics courses.

Whilst I have not used his garage services myself, I know a couple of people who have and one of those is more then happy with his work. If Sam is happy with his work then quality of work must be good.

As for price? Well you can always find someone cheaper BUT..........???

I will shortly be having a chassis change on my 109 2a and have been recommended Black Paw by Series 2 Club East Yorks. organiser. This gentleman knows his stuff Landy wise and wouldn't put a good word in if it wasn't warranted.
as said , iv no idea of work quality but heard good things , I just think such prices are a little exxecive , but I guess it depends on your budget , if I had loads of money id go myself
Well thought I'd bump the post. Went down at Christmas and spoke to ben.

Whilst servicing the wagon I noticed the rear saddles are "soft", cross member is going and to get through its mot few weeks back need outriggers welding up. So 12 months up here wea the way the council throw grit around is going to kill the those areas.

So going to bite the bullet in the next 2 months and get it done but again has anybody used his garage for major jobs and what are your comments on him?

I like him and haven looked round at different garages think they'll get my business.......still counting my pennies though
Bit the bullet yesterday and ordered my Richards chassis with Ben and Black Paw. Been looking about and I like ben so that's where my money is going, however there is a 10 week waiting list for the chassis!!:eek:

Whilst he's at it I have asked him to change my b/c pillars and sills. So he's looking to it for me, looking forward to having a chassis that wont turn orange anymore!

That's me now skint so no new interior for me!:(
Take lots of pics mate.

Unfortunately I wont be in the country whilst he does the chassis swap bluehaze. I'll be in Grafenwoehr southern Germany on exercise. I have asked him to take photos and to use them on his site if he wants. Plus i'll use the photos for my insurance purposes.

Still trying to source the sills and posts complete but I know YRM do them in the 3 parts but would need welding up ?
Should of said Bluehaze I want the sills and posts galv'd as well. Haven spoken to different companies the problem is they can warp (like most galving) and welt. Brit car sell the complete sills and posts 270 quid per side (genuine) but I wouldn't be happy paying that to dip them and warp them.

YRM sell the components as I say galv'd but not made as one complete item. An I am unsure of welding galv and if that would then create weak spots?

I will let you ken how I get on

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