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I have one tyre problem and need a new one but they are old Maxxis & I can't get a replacement. SO have been thinking of replacing with a pair of Gen Grabber AT's on the back & another pair later to match on the front. Has anyone tried these yet. I am told the old AT2's have been discontinued due to noise on the road. I do road mostly, but live in a very rural area so have a few floods & very muddy road, occasional trips across fields, and winter will mean snow that doesn't get cleared where I live, so need some tyres that wont let the RR (or me down) in those conditions. So would also need some thing that is OK on the road, i.e. not noisy & good grip etc.
All recommendations gratefully received. Thanks.
I had a pair put on the rear a couple of weeks ago.
Very pleased so far, good on road, slightly noisier than straight road tyres but nothing to worry about, squealed a bit in car parks to start with but now scuffed in have stopped doing so. Not had them off road yet but look as it they should handle most things ok. Not quite as aggrssive looking as the old ATs or AT2s but still rugged looking with huge amount of tread, might post some pics soon. will be getting some on the front but still got a fair bit of tread left on them yet
I had a pair put on the back end of mine just before a trip to Perth, I've still got some 'proper' Scorpions on the front. No noise issues on the motorway and I was in Perthshire during a massive rainstorm. To get my destination it's down a 1:4 forest track, then down a similar sloping stream bed (normally almost dry but not this day!) and a bit of flat but very muddy forest floor. The old girl didn't slide once. I'll be back up there in the winter but have no worries about the snow. Mind you when that stream floods then freezes ALL bets are off, I've seen a four wheel drive JCB tractor coming down there sideways.
Thanks folks, I'm sold then. Have found some problems with dealers till only supplying the AT2's which are now 'discontinued', but have found some AT's online for £99 each !! at Tyres Direct UK*::*4x4*::*General All Terrain*::*255/65 R16 109T General Grabber AT
- mind you I haven't confirmed they have stock yet. But still I think it's the way to go. Cheers.

I got mine delivered to the house on a Saturday morning, fitted and balanced by ETYRES for about £119 all in. They even took the old tyres away. Not an advert, no connection, just a very satisfied customer.
Well the update is no AT's available anywhere, all on back order. :(

So in General Tyres I can get AT2 or HTS or UHP, or Khumo KL51s
Anyone got experience of any of these ?

I don't want to get sliding in deep snow if we get some this year again (I live in a very rural area), and occasional off road, but mostly on road. Not really worried about mileage more abut grip in all conditions. Thanks.
There are at's around if you look, try your local indy LR garage. phoned one day and he had them the next for fitting. Sometimes who you know and regular custom are more use than google.
I have a set of Cooper Discoveror ATs for my winter tyres and find them very good in the white stuff, they also handle fine in the dry. Had Dunlop AT 2 on my Pajero a couple of years back and they were great tyres but quite expensive at the time.
YES - just found a dealer I never heard of who has some. Getting them fitted tomorrow, I'll let you know first impressions soon. :D
Well they are on ! Only done about 60 miles so far but initial impressions are very good. Quiter than my road biased MAXXIS that I had before. Grip seems fine on road and cornering/braking. In fact the ride is very smooth. Yet to try off road but happy reading reviews that I shouldn't worry too much come winter. They look good as well - few pics attached :)


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Well they are on ! Only done about 60 miles so far but initial impressions are very good. Quiter than my road biased MAXXIS that I had before. Grip seems fine on road and cornering/braking. In fact the ride is very smooth. Yet to try off road but happy reading reviews that I shouldn't worry too much come winter. They look good as well - few pics attached :)

I bought myself a wee digital pressure gauge to find that, according to it, the tyre fitter had put 41 in the new GGs on the rears when I asked for 38. I've now taken a tip from IRISHROVER and dropped them to 34 (the boot's normally empty and I don't tow with the Rangie) and I really like the feel. It's more comfortable on the fast bits but no loss of feel through the twisty bits.

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