
New Member
Bit of a long shot this, but i found this on Ebay and being thick i missed the auction.....ahem.
Anyway, has anyone seen one of these anywhere, or know where i can get one from? Ive seen all different types but this one is IDEAL for what i need?


Right, whose first then??? Eh Eh?

yella, what can i say. Sod off, your just jealous cuz of my boyish good looks and sparkling charm which you encountered first hand. My chisseled features left you aghast.

MUDDEE, ive got one of those, and they are good, but........they open up sideways and the wheels are really small, no good across grass, where as the one in the pic above opens up length ways and has hoooj wheels.

outdoor_paul. You shouldnt knock it mate, its the same colour almost as yours and its the only thing you havent fitted to yours. YET!!!

sqwirral. I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky..............
Try your local fishing shop. I reckon its the type of thing the carp boys would use for transporting thier tonnes of boilies.
what does teddy think of his soon to be new mode of transport, or is it for barbie and ken??
try tha spastics society len, i beleive they sell things like that to help the window lickers carry their shopping ;)

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