Nice one guys.. You are like a bunch of terriers onto a rat, and i feel my Landy is safer because of that.. :)
Christ a whole thread and no **** taking , good to know we all take toe rags like this seriously .
hey its a good thing that landys go missing,,,,,, it keeps us all in secondhand parts. :eek::hysterically_laughi
so if the police go and check this and the vin and reg match to be from a 88" then what?
It is obviously a defender 90, will they check out what it is or just say the numbers match?
are 88" and 90 vins even the same size, surely a tape measure between the axles would sort it for old bill, tempted to go down and look it over
I appreciate that but if it had been swapped from a 90 to the ringer 88" would the panel the vin is fitted to have had to be re-drilled as I'm fairly sure ( correct me if I'm wrong) that 88 and 90 vin plates are a different size, just thinking a cop with no knowledge would struggle to identify it as a ringer if all the 90 Id has been removed, as a landy enthusiast it's easy to say its obviously not an 88" but maybe not for a regular cop,
We need to set up police liaisons in each county to help police with these matters really if there isn't such a thing already?
From what I can work out, a Defender has a greater number of VIN markings to an SIII and they're in different locations.... Even if the SIII vin is the one in the picture (I'm convinced SIII and fender plates look different, or at worst, a subtle difference in the name of the company on the plate), then there could be evidence of tampering with the other two Defender VIN locations????

Just a thought Chunky for if you happen to be speaking with police again.
What they do want from us is local reporting. So if its listed as south london then a londoner. If we did that we could probably get more action than some random bloke from worcestershire calling bout a car he thinks isn't right in london.

If we had people in say each county that were informed and they took up the investigation so to speak. Certainly those in sheffield,essex and birmingham(there seems to be a little rise in thefts in that area) might want to do that.

We don't want people risking themselves so get to the point of knowing address,contact details and some evidence, contact local police by dialling 101, talk to vehicular crime coppers, maybe even go with police to view. They'll soon be educated.

Just a thought....
Not really much to say. They said that vehicle was "flagged" and if seen they would stop it, which realistically means new owner gets a shock. They didn't seem too interested sadly.
I think it might have been better going to dvla and going the tax evasion route and if they found evidence of hookey parts get police in. Dvla seem to have a better willingness to really get grubby with the landrovers we report.

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