acturlay if yer screw yer eyes up you can just make out a face there with the camel toe forming the mouth and lower part of the nose
right problem solved its an u/s alarm sensor control box
Why do people bother to reply when they have nothing helpfull to offer?

coz its fun to have a laugh every now and again,:D obviously you don't do that coz yer a miserable cu#t:mad: and ya face might fookin crack:p

I am sure that he wanted some advice not silly comments.

if ya don't like it on here FOOK ORF to lruk ya borin tw#t an let the rest of us have some fun FFS

this way yer see it stays at the top of the list longer, then when someone wot knows comes along it will be the first one he sees, therefore silly comments are actually quite helpful

Hey! well said slob never thought of that:D :rolleyes:
the wife had changed sommat on prat nav and i ended comin back that way from ayr the night, wotta fookin road its lovely up there wi doon castle and the like
Why do people bother to reply when they have nothing helpfull to offer?

I am sure that he wanted some advice not silly comments.

Are they the control boxes for one of those "beeping" reverse alarm systems. It would be mounted somewhere back there, might be worth looking on the back of the car for sensors ?
Are they the control boxes for one of those "beeping" reverse alarm systems. It would be mounted somewhere back there, might be worth looking on the back of the car for sensors ?

i have, while most of you lot have been ferkin about, traced the a and b wires to the parking sensors on the rear bumper!! if only it said left and right!! no i assume the system doesnt work as i hear no beeps when wife is at rear of car and i try to run her over, are they standard and where what do the connect to!!!! prolly best just to cut em out i suppose!!
it seems cutting them out would havebeen the wrong thing to do!!! they work, how good is that.

some one put a sneaky switch on the centre console, to switch the system off when towing!!

thats another problem sorted!

thanks for the help and the giggles!!

cheers, Gav
some one put a sneaky switch on the centre console, to switch the system off when towing!!

These are normally wired so that they are only active when reverse gear is selected (i.e. they are powered by the reversing light circuit). That way you don't need to worry about trailers setting them off when you're driving down the road .....
as there are 2 boxes i assume the working one is a retro fit, (the other has a lead named display???) and the switch is to stop the device, a) using power whilst driving/parked(though it shouldnt if activated by reverse gear) or b) to stop it sensing a trailer/caravan when reversing and annoying the driver or c) the switch has nothing to do with the sensors and they just decided to work!!!!!

if c then whats the bloody switch doing!!!!lol!!

i think its b though as the wires to the switch are the same type as the ones to the box.
Its for mobile phone hands free kit. just cut it out, the L and R relate to the speaker system on your car stereo. Hence the big DIN plug. (big black plug in the photo
no it aint it is - as already stated its a reversing sensor system - hang on - i will post the wiring info , if yu need it.


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