
Forum Sponsor
Simply currently flat out, so little time for it as paperwork taking my spare time.
MHM you want access?
I'd offer to help, but I lack the necessary qualifications-

I.e. The ability to behave myself.:D
details my dear man.

if it's updating a db/list/maps once every now and again i'd be up for it.

if it's being on call and to monitor this forum.. paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssss :D
all it involves is an email address to get access to the map and then searching location and adding a place mark.

Currently I have just finished paperwork for today and more to do over weekend.:rolleyes: more fun times.

If your seriously interested then get BB to explain to you and drop me a pm with a gmail address you use.
Trax you should now have access, I'm snowed under paperwork- but if you need help pm me
thanks Fanny - just not on here often enough recently.

I'm keeping wheels on while my step dad does what he has to do, personally I hope she passes quick as Christmas is long shot.

Wide spread cancer and blocked bowel isn't great, not keen on woman- but nobody deserves that.

Certificates are my normal area, office admin and supplier invoices- just **** me off.

I've a plated roast as I didn't get to inlaws for it:cool:
I'm happy to lend a hand too if needs be.

Fairly geeky, been on a few rescues both mechanical and recovery, can co ordinate.
Trax has kindly taken the position of chief supervisory assistant executive map editor offissor for now and we'll see how it goes :)

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