

I have just got my toll tag for France, and the instructions say it must be mounted in the unheated area behind the mirror.

However, the L322 windscreen appears to have no unheated area, and so I am concerned it might not work.

Has anyone succeeded in using these tags in an L322 (facelift 2007).


I have a D2 and had this same question last September. I just put it on the screen, behind the mirror and kept my fingers crossed! It worked beautifully, I'm pleased to say, although I did hold my breath when I drove through the first toll on the A16, Boulogne.

Two useful tips I was given from fellow landyzoners:-

1. At the 'normal ' barrier, you do have to drive RIGHT UP TO THE BARRIER before it bleebs and lifts.

2. It is better to use the dedicated 't' lane which displays a 30kph speed limit. In these lanes it works as soon as you arrive at the first part of the 'box' and off you go feeling very smug as you pass all the queueing French (and other) drivers!

I found it took several weeks for the DD to come out of my account.
Thanks for that - I will probably hand-hold it for the first barrier to avoid having to remove it if it doesn't work, but I guess if it's right at the top where the dots start it might have a reasonable chance of working.
Thanks for that - I will probably hand-hold it for the first barrier to avoid having to remove it if it doesn't work, but I guess if it's right at the top where the dots start it might have a reasonable chance of working.

Have faith, it does work.

I read somewhere that holding it does not work!!!!!

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