From MHM's link, the PROWIP says

"3.9 Off road vehicles
Like any other users of the PROW network, off road motor bikers and 4x4 drivers have needs to enable their legitimate use. The issues of noise and possible conflicts with other users does not mean that the needs of off-road drivers should be ignored. There are currently four Roads Used as Public Paths (RUPP) in Barnsley that have been claimed as byways but the applications have yet to be processed. Two of these routes are dead ends and the other two are at opposite ends of the borough. Like other users, off road bikers and drivers would like a network of routes to use. Unlike other users the number of routes they can legally use is minimal and there are no areas of land that offers wider access for bikers/drivers in Barnsley."

Download it, then engage in a dialogue with the council and get more done .. ;)
Dunno where they are, download the pdf ROWIP and read it .. Doncasters has maps of the area with different paths .. we also only have about 6 legal byways ..
Im in Barnsley and i have yet to find anything worth driving!!!
Although get this sen tu Llangollen ant Bala theres sum reyt stuff up thiya.
Im in Barnsley and i have yet to find anything worth driving!!!
Although get this sen tu Llangollen ant Bala theres sum reyt stuff up thiya.

I think ur right about Barnsley mate, seems like closest stuff to us is in the peak district. Search 'green laning peak district' in google, looks awsum. U wanna go....?
Found loads between barnsley and holmfirth. For nubies like me the best advice is what madhatman says. Ask about for a place that has a few lanes, get the landranger 1:25k map. The BOAT (byway open to all traffic) stand out like a sore thumb. Then its just a question of checking with the local authority that your route is still classified as a BOAT if you want to be on the safe side (recomended) ;)
Your best bet is to find a local club that does lanning and plod on with them I live in barnsley and I've not found owt right local but your welcome to join us next time we go out
Ey up I am also in Barnsley but I dont know of any lanes, if you find any will you pass it on, maybe we could meet up if we find any.
right, had a good look, doesnt seem to be much near batrnsley. I'm gonna go check out a couple of places tomorow. Looking on youtube, holmfirth and peaks seem to be the best and closest
Keep us posted
I fancy finding some nice easy stuff locally.
But the wife would cut mi spuds off if I damaged the Disco....
Although the jokes on her at the moment cause i took the battery and starter motor out to fix em.
Me and some of me mates r doing a run throught derbyshire this weekend if n e one wants to join us as we still got 1 or 2 places left then drop me a pm
Owdoo, only found this thread today, you found owt to run? I know a few, Some more challenging than others, the stocky to more hall lane is awkward cos the farmer whos land it crosses isn't keen cos of the pikeys thieving off his land.
Am I alone in being a little worried by this thread?

This geezer want s alane to go play on... looks like he is thinking of heading out alone and has less experience than my twelve year old...

Either this is a disaster waiting to happen or someone is looking for another amusing thread on landyzone... but I know that even International Rescue is going to have probs that far north!

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