
New Member
Hi there just had my first problem with my td4 '03' 36000mls, won't start!!!!. It turns over fine, but doesn't catch. I think its a fuel pump thing (but mainly guessing).

Sprayed quick started in it and it fires but then dies after a few seconds. any help would but appreciated. Need a local (norfolk) mechanic/garage who know what they are up to, as local main stealer quoted me almost 400 for just a service, cheers guys, having to use the missus's honda at mo, so time is of the essence!!!:eek:
Dont ever ever evr use a spray starting aid!! Purely because its a known fact in the trade that you start using that, it will always need it!!

I would say compression test it etc, but the TD4 absolutely eats fuel pumps! They are easy to fit, takes about ten minutes at the most......just costs around £200 plus for the pump! Easy job though!

But if you really are unsure get a second hand one in first, there are plenty on flea bay breaking. If that fails look at compression testing and fuel filters etc, but put money on it being the pump as they dont last too long at all!

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