
New Member
Hi everyone,

As everyone is probably aware the previous Freelander club folded back in 2011. Just wondering if there would be any interest in starting a new one? My thoughts are:-
  1. Be really useful to have a website where all the problems/fixes and other tech info was in one place.
  2. Printed magazine? I imagine it's quite difficult to get articles to fill a magazine every month??? Maybe an electronic newsletter would be better? This would also keep costs and hence membership fees lower.
  3. Web shop selling club and general Freelander stuff too???
  4. Some insurance companies offer a discount if you're a member of a club.

What do you think?


What you need is to get a really popular and active forum with a broad base of experience, knowledge and interests and get a dedicated Freelander section set up in it.....

It won't be easy though....
I was a member of the previous club and it was ok...... We had monthly meets and had the odd green laning days etc ...... With regards to the inter web side of it , it wasn't that well used .... Most folk seemed to be on here anyway
Tbh I don't get it?

I know it comes up fairly regularly but you have all the resources you need right here.

A membership base, the freedom to organise whatever you like....laning days, meets even publish a zine if you want.

Fair enough you might get the occasional tratterer wandering through but they're mostly ok once you've scraped the worst of the grease and oil off.

Even moderation can be 'adjusted' to suit if necessary.
Get yerself a LZ Sticker and and write the word "Club" on it! I'll throw you a Plugin for your puter so that it does a global replace of "Landyzone" with "Landyzone Club". Sorted.

Alternatively, you could join the, mainly, shambles on Facebook - cos there's a couple of groups on there with 'Club' in the name.

LZ is what you make of it. I get a load of info & support out of it and hopefully give some back. I can't go to LZ Meets - be they grand events, green lane days or a pint down the pub, 'cos I'm to far away plenty do though. I make the most of it and meet up with local member(s) and entertain LZ members from overseas when they head down this way on their hols. Not sure what more you could want in a club really. As I say its what you make of it - 4 posts in 8 years though ain't going to get you much.

In case there's any Tratter's invading the forum, I don't entertain greasy Neanderthals, only those with a City & Guilds in Hairdressing. Actually that's a lie, any LZ member passing through Christchurch is good for the first pint on me :)
Cheers everyone for the replies.

As stated by Blue Beasty and GrumpyGel, There's a lot of momentum in a good long running forum like this one and it seems pointless to try and replace or replicate that function elsewhere. I wasn't really advocating that. Just thought it might be a good idea to collate the tech info in one place without stealing anyone else's work, perhaps get some nice t-shirts done and have a bit of an identity for Freelanders.

I agree with the plagiarism issue too. I have had text and pictures from my website blatantly ripped off and used for eBay and on other forums. The proper way to do it is link to the article if it is relevant.

Take your point GrumpyGel re 4 posts in 8 years. I guess I'll have to start contributing more regularly! :eek:

Thanks again for your replies. Skulks off to buy LandyZone stickers and get some letraset... :)
best of luck with it I have run a few clubs and it is hard work and you have to be dedicated and put you self out for others , some people have it and some don't also you need to produce a news letter when I was in the old freelander club I got one news letter, so I called it a day after nearly two years, you have to be consistence,
The Freelander club stopped due to lack of interest. Sad I know but times change. This ere forum is popular so organising something through ere would attract more Freelanderers. Don't worry about tratterers... we outnumber them.

Running a shop etc... lots of work and there's already a lot of them online anyway. 10% insurance discount I think with Adrian flux for being part of a club, which this forum counts as.
Most LZ members (and especially the mods) are very pleasant and encouraging toward Freelander owners..

...when the show tickets go on sale..

usually lasts about a month.
Most LZ members (and especially the mods) are very pleasant and encouraging toward Freelander owners..

...when the show tickets go on sale..

usually lasts about a month.
I've noticed tratterers are starting to mellow. Previously we had the Friendship Agreement to stop abuse on bank holidays. We no longer need this as the tratterers have all gone soft. Taking over their forum and converting it to the second Freelander section had the worried so they've started to leave us along. They know Freelandering is the way forward. :)
Hi everyone,

As everyone is probably aware the previous Freelander club folded back in 2011. Just wondering if there would be any interest in starting a new one? My thoughts are:-
  1. Be really useful to have a website where all the problems/fixes and other tech info was in one place.
  2. Printed magazine? I imagine it's quite difficult to get articles to fill a magazine every month??? Maybe an electronic newsletter would be better? This would also keep costs and hence membership fees lower.
  3. Web shop selling club and general Freelander stuff too???
  4. Some insurance companies offer a discount if you're a member of a club.

What do you think?



Are you a member of The Blue Oysters Club by chance? You could start a sub section and call it Gaylanders or summat like that. :D:D
As a new member of your fine establishment so please be gentle :monitor_punch: But being a proud owner of a freelander 1 td4. If a magazine was the option would a yearly be better. Not being a novice to Landrover forums over the years but a yearly round up magazine with diagrams and part numbers might help. I know while searching around the various forum freelander parts number manual seems like hens teeth. The idea to breakdown the repair tasks from door locks to paint choice. But I digress.
Thanks blue beasty just had a route around. Occasionally I buy the lrm lro magazine for mainly when I had my 110 but they are to dedicated defender range. I think the appeal for the freelander can be chalk and cheese in Landrover circles because of the amount of competing 4x4 range. Maybe with the freelander 1 being the older model now a market for originality might creep in as did with the series. Faint hope.

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