hello Nandad, sorry have been off here for a little while glad to hear another one near by, maybe we can try and organise a little something?
Great idea Time/location?
Sorry to hear about your battle with the big c. I got thorough it as did my other half. Chemo is a bitch!!! Look toward to meeting.
ill see when my appointments are easing up maybe first 2 weeks of Jan i take it weekends are best for people? and are peoples landys on road or off road use? mine is pretty much a Chelsea tractor at the moment...making a few changing so i can do a few lanes nothing extreme though.

thanks for the support guys had the testie cancer which spread to the liver..but thankfully chemo wiped it all out....well almost they think that i could have another case in my other ball and the lumps are still in my liver there dead...but they want to be sure.

all i will say is CHECK them BALLS....mine was not normal non painful lump...grew out of the ball and was like some one flicking it every second...not nice.
All that fishhead talk meant this old pongo nearly didn't respond.

Currently I have a poorly Disco 2 which lives with me in Newton Abbot, and which you may well see in Plymouth from time to time.

I don't really greenlane her much these days as I need her to get to work (on the days I'm not on the bike), but I'm up for some easy non damagingly stuff. And if anyone needs help I have tools and a good line in ex mil banter.
In Plymouth with a poorly Disco.....trying unsuccessfully to find a mobile mechanic to have a look at her as cannot gain entry using the key remote (can unlock using the key but alarm goes off, tried using the key code but she won't have it) I'm thinking its the ECU but need confirmation......so if any of you kind ppl know of anyone I would be grateful for any info..... cheers m'dears
All that fishhead talk meant this old pongo nearly didn't respond.

Currently I have a poorly Disco 2 which lives with me in Newton Abbot, and which you may well see in Plymouth from time to time.

I don't really greenlane her much these days as I need her to get to work (on the days I'm not on the bike), but I'm up for some easy non damagingly stuff. And if anyone needs help I have tools and a good line in ex mil banter.
Ex Pongo too :) I'm having probs with my Disco (see my post) and would welcome any advice.....I have had a locksmith come out with a new key......he managed to programme the key but still have the same problem so I guess I need a diagnosis, although I suspect the ECU :(

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