
Well-Known Member
I've just went to start my engine and the key is just turning with no resistance and the electrics are stuck on. Reckon my ignition barrel is ####ed, happy ####ing days. Anyone able to recover me a half mile down the road? Can't leave my landy here and I kinda gotta get back to work
Wolf, is somone else is available before 5 are you able to move it then or are you tied up at work til 5 anyway?
Bigeee just gave me a phone, he only works around the corner from me so he's gonna meet me here at 4 :). The landy should be ok till then, my work will just have to go stuff emselves
The system works :D. Got my landy recovered back to the secure compound at work. Many thanks guys, especially to graham (biggeeeee), you're a gentleman and a scholar ;)

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