*** snip ***
My uk papers fully document the v8 engine with the engine number, thats not the issue. The issue is entertaining the portuguese authorities with what they request. I dont question what they want Im simply trying to get it, and I get what youre saying that no one knows me but I honeslty dont have the time to butter anyone up. Ive told the forum what I need and If anyone is willing to help please message me
*** snip *****
- Portuguese Registry Office have asked me to provide them with an MOT of my car, in order to save transporting it there they have agreed and will settle for an MOT of another 90 V8 to see that it is legal in the UK (country of origin / registration) *** snip ***
The fact that a V8 90 can be legal in the UK is not in dispute. It is easily verified.
However a home grown V8 90 is not the same as a factory produced one.
Hence the SVA/IVA requirements in the UK if you build your own.
I can not conceive of any bona-fide government authority, having initially asked for an MOT pass certificate for the car in question, accepting a certificate from a completely separate vehicle in another country as proof yours is safe and legal in their country. It makes no sense. I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking as my old Nan used to say.
Either you have completely misunderstood what is required, you have been badly misinformed, you are in denial and stuck with a vehicle you can't legalise, or something is amiss. There is plenty of good advice on here, especially from Shippers who seems to know his stuff, but you seem reluctant to listen. I know who my money is on.
So hypothetically lets say somebody, after having already been insulted, actually decides to take their pride and joy (say with 9 months to run on their current MOT certificate) along to have it tested and it fails on something such as emissions or a swivel oil leak? Now they have a vehicle that they can't legally drive in the UK until it is rectified at their expense £££ just for trying to help you out.
As for name calling you crack on - I hope it makes you feel better. I was always taught that if you need to resort to insults or violence you have already lost the argument. I've not seen anything in this thread to change my mind.
Good luck and thanks for the entertainment.