
New Member
:welcome2: hey folks tryin to get rid of my freelander I have it on loads of sites etc and not 1 call :( im gutted only have it couple of months but wanna get myself another discovery again :D jus wonderin if any of you folks have had this problem? thanks :)
Depends which one it is.

If it's a 1.8 k series, most informed buyers will stay well clear. If it's an L-Series diesel, many informed buyers will prefer to get their hands on a TD4 instead. If it's a TD4, then perhaps you're asking for too much.
Have you said on your ads that you've only had it a couple of months? If so people might be giving you a wide berth thinking there must be something wrong with (other than it being a freelander). Try being more liberal with the truth but don't lie.
its td4 not askin 2 much its a little less then others r priced and no i have not mentioned that only have it a couple of months but i jus want rid now :( any suggestions on getting it sold please?
I tried to sell one of dog's brand new turds on ebay, not a single bid :mad:

I have no idea why no one wanted it :rolleyes:

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