
New Member
ok dont hit the roof has anyone got the lr gun rack /holder fitted to there dog guard in there freelander i take my gun to work with me .22fac as we are over run with bunnys but they all have mixi so i put them to sleep.
anyway i want to no if they are any good
the racks are ok to a point but i use some ties aswell because over rough ground the gun rattles around abit but the rack is quite sturdy
hope it helps
ok dont hit the roof has anyone got the lr gun rack /holder fitted to there dog guard in there freelander i take my gun to work with me .22fac as we are over run with bunnys but they all have mixi so i put them to sleep.
anyway i want to no if they are any good
porky asks . . .have yer got a gun dog :D
dont no anything about racks except they stop your guns falling out the back of your pick up ,they might have helped the three deer stalkers who(LOST) their guns after a day in the mountains,
when flagged down by the car behind them they raced down the road to recover them only to find the POLICE who asked "lost anything lads"
we have them in the car bit worse for wear been run over"!
I dont know what the penalty is for throwing your guns down the road but I bet its less than a gun rack!!
I like these...:D


  • rack_rifle_viking.jpg
    21.9 KB · Views: 177
But for them pesky bunnies i think you would be better with....
Oh BTW i think this can be mounted inside or outside....


  • expandable-weapons-rack_integrated3.jpg
    29.6 KB · Views: 96
But on a serious note..Why dont you just make some....I also found this picture and im sure a good engineering workshop could make something like this for very little money.
Obviously it would have to be similar to the attached.Otherwise it would be a copy:eek:
Hope this helps.


  • 07.6600.gif
    33.2 KB · Views: 95
But on a serious note..Why dont you just make some....I also found this picture and im sure a good engineering workshop could make something like this for very little money.
Obviously it would have to be similar to the attached.Otherwise it would be a copy:eek:
Hope this helps.

dunt they have to be hidden from view while being transported ?
dunt they have to be hidden from view while being transported ?
Don't think so, only if left unattended. Personally ah wouldn't use these racks unless they're padded or whatever. Only reason is, ah've got an old shotgun that's marked tae buggery by bein' transported in them thingies.
Stick the butt in the passenger footwell and the barrel restin' on the seats, easier tae get too in the hour of need;) :D
Don't think so, only if left unattended.

VERY unwise to let them be seen in transit. You would be lifted ....

Personally ah wouldn't use these racks unless they're padded or whatever. Only reason is, ah've got an old shotgun that's marked tae buggery by bein' transported in them thingies.

Just so.

Stick the butt in the passenger footwell and the barrel restin' on the seats, easier tae get too in the hour of need.

Absolutely NOT! Loads of people have shot themselves with guns placed this way round in vehicles.

Anyway, if you do it that way, you have to pull the gun out and then turn it round. If you store it butt UP, you pull it out the right way, butt at your end, barrels looking forwards.

NEVER EVER make it easier to take hold of a gun by the muzzles, than by the stock. The ONLY safe way is muzzles DOWN and stock UP.
That way as you pull it out, the triggers are going backwards if they snag on something, and it isn't pointing right up your nose.

Take care, and be discreet.


NEVER have a loaded gun inside the vehicle!

When I'm shooting from the vehicle, I have the bolt closed on an empty chamber, magazine full. All that's required then is to quickly cycle the bolt after poking the muzzle out of the window.
If using a shotgun, use a semi-auto and follow the same procedure. Never use a double-barrel shotgun from a vehicle - there isn't room to operate it safely.

I've seen a couple of holed Landy roofs caused by ****s who didn't follow this simple procedure - and they were lucky.
Ah forgoty tae mention that when ever ah'm in the motor, my guns are ALWAYS UNLOADED. Cheers fur pointin' it oot guys;) :D

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