went out tuesday night to pick my daughter up from the train stn. no buses. normally a 20 min drive. 2 hours later, i pick her up. never drove a 4x4 in the snow b4, only had the car since september. on the way back home picked up 3 other people going our way. loads of people walking coz of the snow. drop them of at the top of the valley where i live and says to my daughter lets see what the car can do. shes up for it. so of i go to find the steepest hill leading down into the valley. sitting at the top of the hill, i engage low ratio and push HDC. my daughter says, "dad, do you know what your doing?"
"yeah, course i do" soon as i get over the brow of the hill were starting to drift sideways into a parked car:eek:. manage to get it to the other side of the road and plough into a very large hedge about 20 yards down the hill which luckily stops us.
what a plonker:D
went back next morning with a spade and bucket of rock salt and got it out.
learnt a lot that night:)

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