Dunno bout AA, but when I joined the RAC, the membership became effective after 24hrs.
However, it's academic if the vehicle has to be taxed.
Right let me try and remember who's said what and what I need to answer to.

Veh is 1969 and tax exempt so that's not a prob. But the chap is moving in 2 weeks so it needs to be shifted. I just spoke to my mate who is willing to pull a sickie on friday and road trip up there (leave 3amish thursday to get there for the morning) if we could fix it during the morning, MOT it the afternoon, and drive it back afterwards. Is there anyone up that way that could help us fix it?

The guy says it has been laid up for a year, idled fine on the drive, but on the way to the MOT station it backfired twice and wouldn't start again. It's had a new dizzy cap fitted for the mot, so I'm thinking stale fuel and bad timing if I'm lucky? What are the chances that if it gets running it'll pass an MOT?

Tweets I haven't blocked you mate, are you sure you deleted my old msn and not me new one? :p am online now and I can see you. Eerrrm anything else I can think of? Not really

Anyone think that that is a good way to do it?

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