
Well-Known Member
Ive posted this elsewhere but basicly I dont care :p

Im after one or two to make in to furniture because I am a bit odd like that :p

So any scrap v8 engines, blocks or whole engines seized hgf slipped liners etc let me know I dont care what size.

The more local to Hampshire the better as I would think I would need to collect as shipping would cost loads.

Many thanks :D
give powerhouse automotive a call tmoz...speak to Lawson. 0114 2351010
He has a Jag with a mullered v8 sat in the yard.
If it's a goer i can bring it south on the first weekend in july.....will be going M1 M25 to near Staines.
The one in my RRC has ****ed me off to the point where it will become my coffee table. That engine doesn't deserve to ever run again....
Thanks mate, I will ring him tomorrow- I got a bit confused with what day it was in the post lol

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