Planning to, got tickets to Billing the next week end too.
@Trench Rat mentioned this earlier this year..
yeah i was going to, ideally in my series 2 but i'm unsure whether i'll have the fuel tank fixed by then. Waterpump i'm doing monday but fuel tanks a big jobbo.

I might go anyway, though it would feel wrong not to take her.
Planning to, got tickets to Billing the next week end too.
@Trench Rat mentioned this earlier this year..

Regret I won't be able to go after all. Pa Turk suffered a stroke earlier this month and I'm gonna go up country to see him that day.
Hope you have a good one, weather's looking good.
That sucks. Hope he’s getting better ok.

I'll be there. Hope things go well for you all Turktowner!

Thanks chaps, not a big stroke fortunately. His speech is coming back pretty well but I don't think he'll be laying any bricks for a while..
I've been telling him he should be taking it easier now he's 75, now he'll have to take a rest for a bit :)

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