
Large Member!
Anyone planning on going to Driffield this weekend?
I'm planning on getting over on either Sat or Sunday for a mooch around
I'm up for that if it's sunday. Just need to dort a few things out and see which day fits in best. If it's Sunday will let you know
Not this year. There was in previous years, but never as much use as as Billing and P'boro, which is why it's been dropped I assume.

Personally, I have no real interest in the Spring action day. I went 2 years ago and thought it was like Billing lite.
I'm going Saturday be nice to meet some people off here. Planning to pick up a few lanes on the way back too :D
We were going, been a couple of times before, but something's cropped up and we can't now go this year.
Leaving at 6 in the morning tomorrow to get down there for the day and then back up in the evening so the Disco will get a good run.
Ok the plans are made. Me and Roy will be there on Saturday.
Anyone that wants to say hello, let me know.
We should be sporting LandyZone hoodies so give us a shout if you see one!
Saturday for me I am looking for some kit for my new project.. will keep an eye out for you and say hello.
What time is anyone from Yorkshire area setting off? could
Meet Up and convoy over

We're coming from over the hill, leaving Accrington at 8 ish, if you want to meet on route let me know here, and will be on Ch19 all the way too:D
We're coming from over the hill, leaving Accrington at 8 ish, if you want to meet on route let me know here, and will be on Ch19 all the way too:D

Change of plan missus in hospital about to pop the sprog out so I'm not going to make it now :(

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