I'm in Norfolk. Which bit are you in?

Clubs, there's the Breckland LRC but I don't know much about them. I steer clear of clubs that have chairmans reports etc!

There is a Norfolk 4x4 club on Facebook that seem pretty active. They go greenlaning and use a pay and play place regularly. Not met them yet but just signed up to go landing with them in March. Seem a well organised bunch from what I can tell.

I normally just do my own thing with anyone that want to tag along.
Belong to breckland landrover club green lane trips most months/weekley pub meets also Rtvt/ccvt and tyro and comp events.
Well I will find them on Facebook, I'm in Dereham, where around here is there to have a little play off road? I know A couple of places around mildenhall but just fancied something closer.
There's Dersingham which I think is near you. Not been there myself yet but it's where Norfolk 4x4 go for pay and play.
Even though I am not living in Norfolk, I do tend to visit occasionly as I come from there and have family in the village of Mundesley in Niorth Norfolk.

I keep any eye on the Norfolk 4x4 forum and facebook page, though the forum is pretty quiet these days. Have also heard of the Breckland club which if I did competition driving I would join up.

Never had the chance of any laning in Norfolk yet which is a shame as I bet the scenery is great. Next trip up for me is Mid March.

May see you around

Just search breckland on facebook also others on there. Play day today at dersingham think norfolk 4x4 are running it .
As for places to play there is a place at beeston that clubs use or dersingham and both are pay sites ..
Also breckland are running one at freethorpe in march.
I don't know of any other clubs than mentioned above, I live just south of Mundesley, and haven't done much laneing except for some bouncing along the sand behind the dunes. With all my other commitment s I don't have time joining with landy clubs
The Q

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