Ha can't you read if I started it I wouldn't of put have you got no mate would I ? :/

I see you dont do this internet thing much, do you Fartwelt, its the use of emoticons you see, they make all the difference, they are there to help people see the intentions and the emotions of the poster due to the lack of non verbal communication.

to make it easy for you, because you seem to need the help, a smiley happy face shows no malice whereas an exclamation mark shows that you are a humorless cnut.

this one i think is self explanatory:multiply:

Lets start again before the dummies start flying......

I don't really think about butt when I'm laning but thanks for the offer :p
owning a 90 and knowing how to drive one can be two entirely different things ;)

and less of the "g" word :p

Ive heard it said some of them Gaylanders even have it written on the front and back in with different coloured reflective backings, anyway back to this fuzzywelt chap...........................
You can say as much as you want to me I ent going to bite back cus I ent like that I don't mouth off like some peps
well that was 3 minutes of my life i wont get back! :doh: :D

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