How's that party going. Looks like a real beautiful spring day. Just perfect for sitting nursing a Guinness and talking about dodgy motors...someone have a beer for me....:)
Not everyone was in the line up, about 15 of us turned up, actually I think it was more than 20??


Lol @ Wammers - My car is in the photos, I didnt go in my bikini though - It's a little cold for that!! :D Thanks for arranging it Dopey - Lovely to be able to put faces to the names :D
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Many thanks Dopey for really nice afternoon nice pint of guiness and to hear about other people's 38 problems for change and good to put some faces to the names just sorry couldn't stay longer. But look forward to the next one. cheers one and all.:)
Thanks Dopey, magic idea. Wonderful to see a few faces.

Ere, that's my car in them there photos, no that one, the other one, yea that one.
yea it was a good afternoon, nice to see you all, next meet in the summer in my garden and a BBQ...... thanks all
So are the rest of us to believe that it was just a quiet day out at the pup without any dodgy incidents? Surely someone wants to spill the beans or is it a case what happened at the Stag stays at the Stag
So are the rest of us to believe that it was just a quiet day out at the pup without any dodgy incidents? Surely someone wants to spill the beans or is it a case what happened at the Stag stays at the Stag

There were some young ladies and some unusual moves around some poles but apart from saying that the one in the pink boots stole my heart my lips are sealed.
Nice to meet those of you who were still there at 5pm! Sorry bit late, been a manic weekend racing up and down the country - and lets face it, RR Classic's aren't made for racing.

Last time I saw that many P38's all together was in the breakers yard (;)), good turnout! Not enough Classic's, will have to drum up more support for the next one...:D
... Except I'm now going to have to invest in a vax and some valeting kit, after seeing how much nicer everybody's interiors are than mine!!!

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