
Technician, Bodgit & Scarper Ltd
Full Member
Recently it looks like there are more L322 threads on here than P38 ones. Is there a Use By date on the L322 of 01-Oct-2014?
I was just thinking that last night as it happens. Maybe all the P38's have finally died (the newest ones are 12-13 years old) and maybe all the L322's are starting to fall apart.

What do I care I have a Kia. But it's really really boring.... :)

(Which is why I'm still hanging around I suppose)
no they havent all died weve just learnt all the probbs and just get on and fix them quietly:D

Possibly quite right. Most common issues with P38s have been done to death so there is already a huge amount of information on here if your prepared to search.
I guess the L322's are still throwing up a few surprises?
Logged on earlier and all but 2 threads were L322 on the first page. Thought: wow!

I think they're getting affordable to DIY'ers and people are getting to grips with the design features.
Well, for the record I have found these threads invaluable. Especially as a rookie L322 owner. A few of the guys on here are obvious legends and I look forward to picking there brains!
Well, for the record I have found these threads invaluable. Especially as a rookie L322 owner. A few of the guys on here are obvious legends and I look forward to picking there brains!

There are a few leg ends as well. :D:D

His lunchtimes are LEGEND alan ;);). the CAKE is delicious trust me !!!!!!:):):) :smokin: regards MOZZ :D:D:D:D

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