
New Member

I live in Southern Germany, owned my beloved Defender 110 for about 6 years (2002). Pieces fall off every now and again, but I've become pretty adept with superglue and duct tape.....always been disapointed with the quality of the rubber parts - they seem to disintegrate and fall to bits!? Maybe its the horrid pollution we have here....

I am American; lived in England for quite a bit when I was younger, bought my Defender here (in Germany - left hand drive). Its a thing of wonder and beauty, and my neighbors LOVE it when I come home in the wee hours (Diesel)........you always know when I've come home and parked out front........

I bought the Defender because: 1) The lure of Safari movies, 2) I love to drive a "Tractor" on the Autobahn, 3) I'm always hauling something (big dogs, wood, hay, garden stuff - pretty much any and all), and 4) I live in a valley and have to haul my horses up the hill to go anywhere and down the hill to come home in all weather.....

I'm able to do many repairs myself, but often simply run out of time (I have to keep my day job to keep the cash flow for parts!) I use the Internet, books, and I am hoping the collective wisdom of the like minds collected here......I find it hard to find local "talent" that knows the quirks of these machines.......I find Germans like things absolute and precise, and so if it needs a little imagination or creativity they simply don't go there......or they try to charge you a fortune for something simple! Rich I ain't, sad to say.

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you do realize that advertising that you live in germany gives us all na excuse to visit you lol

I live in Southern Germany, owned my beloved Defender 110 for about 6 years (2002). Pieces fall off every now and again, but I've become pretty adept with superglue and duct tape.....always been disapointed with the quality of the rubber parts - they seem to disintegrate and fall to bits!? Maybe its the horrid pollution we have here....

I am American; lived in England for quite a bit when I was younger, bought my Defender here (in Germany - left hand drive). Its a thing of wonder and beauty, and my neighbors LOVE it when I come home in the wee hours (Diesel)........you always know when I've come home and parked out front........

I bought the Defender because: 1) The lure of Safari movies, 2) I love to drive a "Tractor" on the Autobahn, 3) I'm always hauling something (big dogs, wood, hay, garden stuff - pretty much any and all), and 4) I live in a valley and have to haul my horses up the hill to go anywhere and down the hill to come home in all weather.....

I'm able to do many repairs myself, but often simply run out of time (I have to keep my day job to keep the cash flow for parts!) I use the Internet, books, and I am hoping the collective wisdom of the like minds collected here......I find it hard to find local "talent" that knows the quirks of these machines.......I find Germans like things absolute and precise, and so if it needs a little imagination or creativity they simply don't go there......or they try to charge you a fortune for something simple! Rich I ain't, sad to say.

Hi Karen and :welcome2: I have lived in Germany Muenster and Berlin whilst serving in the Army. So I can sympathise:( with your situation. There are a number of Land Rover clubs in Germany if you Google you will find them. I don't have any club names to at the moment (at work in Office) But what I have read about them they are a friendly bunch of enthusiasts who will help with the Duct tape a bailing wire:D. Also a google Land Rover spares and there are tonnes of companies out there who post/export to Germany. And there are loads of people on here and alot of Girls who will give you all the help they can.

Tchus Gerry
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Hello, I am not too far away from Germany, I am in Latvia, in between Poland and Lithuania. I usually source all my parts from the UK, postage is a bit of a pain but nearly everything arrives sooner or later. Unlike Germans Latvians are very creative and can repair most things. Had my starter motor rewound and re brushed for 10 euros. Anything new however costs more than in the UK.
How many horses can you get in a 110 ? I suppose it depends on size, but doesn't everything. Good luck for the future. Regards Paul
Hi Karen :welcome: to the zone!

I'll have a chat to our German pal who's visiting us next week - I think he's finalising details for a club trip from Germany to Scotland (10 Landies and occupants so far apparently). He's in Landyzone too so when he's here I'll see if he'll pm you with some info. You could join Blacklandy.de, a forum over there to see who else is in your area - just an idea.

Have fun!
Hi Karen

Welcome to LZ and I hope you enjoy your stay. You will, no doubt, be asked for appropriate pictures at some point;),

Hope you find the help you're looking for as you will find there's always willing hands to offer advice.

Being a Merkin we will forgive you asking a UK based forum if there's anyone else in Europe. The last time I looked at a map we were! It's only a rumour we're the 51st state.

At least you distinguished between Germany and the rest of Europe, so many of your neighbours have had difficulty understanding the difference in the past. :D:D

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