Why not comment or message the chap on Youtube?
And for your record the one either side of the road at turley green is advisable to do only in the summer. There are horses in the field, it slippy and the locals are not very welcoming.

We turned back so as not to damage the lane or spook the horses and got confronted by angry locals. Who did eventually calm down and thank us for not going on.
Out of interest I looked on OS maps as you said (I always do!) and it's easy to find lanes in the area, so only a matter of time to track a particular lane down as there's only a couple it could have been .. if it was legal or marked!!

A bit of work for people isn't a bad thing and I agree we shouldn't spoon-feed 'em, just give 'em clues, not the actual map portions and lanes!!
Everyone's got to start somewhere.

Advise for how to do it properly may be better than ignorance and letting them go get the Lanes closed for everyone else!

What Paul means, I think, is that how do you know he isn't now going to chew the lanes up?

You've just given him an easy route to them, but far worse than that, you've given the lane info to anyone else reading the thread! You now have little to no control over who goes there and how they drive and whether they check for legality of that route before driving it! I noted your extra info, nice, but might not help or be enough to deter someone who doesn't care ..

In my view if you wanted to pass the info on you should have pm'd him, not put the routes out there for all to see.

IMHO ...
What Paul means, I think, is that how do you know he isn't now going to chew the lanes up?

You've just given him an easy route to them, but far worse than that, you've given the lane info to anyone else reading the thread! You now have little to no control over who goes there and how they drive and whether they check for legality of that route before driving it! I noted your extra info, nice, but might not help or be enough to deter someone who doesn't care ..

In my view if you wanted to pass the info on you should have pm'd him, not put the routes out there for all to see.

IMHO ...

That's a valid point, and one I didn't consider.
thats all i was getting at, there alot of people put there that dont mind who or how they upset people, and thats one way to get muppets just chewing up lanes and "offroading" where its not needed.

was like yesterday did abit of laning and got to one steady slope with a tight right, now with no snow its fairly easy bit of gentle right foot and up you go, with the snow it made it harder and after 2 attempts we gave up...yes if id have put foot down chewed everything up then no doubt iv got up..but i didnt see the need to.

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