One of you guys will have to get a video,

is it the sound yer wanting ?
( i.e. can't imagine someone wanting a vid on how to fit a backbox :)

if so .. i just had an idea that Might just give a result
i've 3 potential in-car sound recorders
dash cam / Iphone / canon camera
of the 3 .. the canon gives the best audio ..
i could possibly hook that up to my tailgate window guard .. on the inside .. pointed out and down ( obviously with window wide open :)
i've never tried the camera clamp on that guard .. but thinking about it .. it might fit ok.

( not too keen on hanging any of those outside tbh )

don't know how the audio might translate to youtube
have never listened to youtube material on a regular stereo system
( i.e. not tiny computer speakers )
They've said they'll honour the same price now that they have them all jigged up.

If you want one, drop me a pm and I'll send you payment details. I'll place an order with them at the end of the week, give anybody else a chance to join in

I'll have one of the next batch too Simon.
is it the sound yer wanting ?
( i.e. can't imagine someone wanting a vid on how to fit a backbox :)

if so .. i just had an idea that Might just give a result
i've 3 potential in-car sound recorders
dash cam / Iphone / canon camera
of the 3 .. the canon gives the best audio ..
i could possibly hook that up to my tailgate window guard .. on the inside .. pointed out and down ( obviously with window wide open :)
i've never tried the camera clamp on that guard .. but thinking about it .. it might fit ok.

( not too keen on hanging any of those outside tbh )

don't know how the audio might translate to youtube
have never listened to youtube material on a regular stereo system
( i.e. not tiny computer speakers )

Why not do what the rest of the internet does and put something on the floor behind the car and just rev the engine? Most of us know how a normal TD4 sounds, so if its noticeable on tickover and when revving we'll all hear it :D
I'll have one of the next batch too Simon.

There's no more "batches" as such, now they've got them jigged (and made enough parts for 10 instead of the 6 I wanted), they'll make at least the next 4 at the same price.
I've already got an order off someone for one of them, if you want to go ahead now drop me a PM and I'll send you payment details.
Probably have it to you sometime next week.
Why not do what the rest of the internet does and put something on the floor behind the car and just rev the engine?

boring :yawn: .. watching paint dry would outstrip listening to a td4 rev under no-load ..
as for idling .. slightly bassy'er and tad louder .. punters can use their imagination :)

i'll give the camera/tailgate idea a go .. if only to satisfy my own curiosity
though will probably end up with an overload of wind-noise ..
the camera has some sort of wind filter .. have never tried it .. nows my big chance :)))


ok i'll give cam.-on-floor .. idle .. move go-pedal a go as well ..
for nowt else but a comparison :)
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in short ..
1) ..*better low down torque / go-pedal response
* i.e under 1700 rpm .. 8th july test via known full go-pedal conditions revealed no real gain at the upper end of the rpm range

2) .. better sound .. .. volume-wise a tad more at idle and just above .. pretty much the same as the standard box above 1700 rpm ..
though different tone .. .. nice to have instant audio feedback on fuel consumption :)

I was wondering about point 1. it does feel like it had more low down. It seemed to cope better today with a 25% hill close to home which has an awkward bend in the middle using 3rd gear. (using steptronic)

I agree with point 2 as well.
Better torque will be due to the turbo spooling faster, you notice any more turbo whistle? Although that's probably heard more on the outside!

Tempted to make one for my fl2 now ;)
t seemed to cope better today with a 25% hill close to home which has an awkward bend in the middle using 3rd gear

one of my tests on the 1st trip .. was .. on the return i've a mini-roundabout .. uphill ..
usually busy .. that 9 times out of 10 .. if not completely stopped ..
sees me taking off in 2nd gear ..
( if no traffic at-all it's a 3rd gear job )
anyhow IF i'm knowing it's 2nd gear But feeling a bit optimistic and choose 3rd instead
it's normally brew-a-cup-of-tea-wait untill the hippo decides to acclerate time
i.e. foot-to-the-floor-almost--but nothing-happens time .. for a few seconds

this time i chose 3rd knowing 2nd would .. as usual .. be more appropriate
and NO hesitation as before ..

and about a mile further on there's a stop-light on a steep incline ..
and i Know what it's like there from a standing start ..
and i did hit the light .. and it Did accelerate thru the first 3 gears quicker
using the same go-pedal amount as i normally do ( about a 3rd )

'till then i wasn't too sure regarding performance difference
i.e. was it psychological 'cause ..
' a straight thru pipe that took me some work to fit .. so it must be a performance boost
' it sounds better so it must be faster '

higher rpm test today was long straight fairly steep incline A-road dual carriage .. about a mile or so .. approach at bottom was 2000 rpm in 5th ..
then foot-to-the-floor 'till crest of said hill ..
terminal velocity at crest was the same ( maybe 2mph plus :) as with the standard box

you notice any more turbo whistle?
in my case .. not really ..
never had heard it much on my td4 .. now or before ..
if i do .. it's for a couple of brief seconds ..
could be age related .. loss of upper frequency perception 'n all that :)

going to experiment with camera tomorrow
i know a place that starts with usually a stop at a roundabout
then it's steep uphill for a mile dual carriage 'till the next roundabout ..
perfect .. almost .. to rev it out 'till about 3500 in 4th
( traffic permitting :)
be part of a regular weekly run anywayz ..

Tempted to make one for my fl2 now
go for it ..
and remember to vid. it ;-)
sure to be other FL2 owners who will want one ..
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SES88 can you put me down for one of these fine devices. I can't send PM's yet as I haven't posted enough drivel (but this will be changing soon). :rolleyes:
I was wondering about point 1. it does feel like it had more low down. It seemed to cope better today with a 25% hill close to home which has an awkward bend in the middle using 3rd gear. (using steptronic)

I agree with point 2 as well.

Succomb's Hill by any chance?
How did you know?

It's the only 1 in 4 hill anywhere near Croydon. My dad used to test my hill starts there when he taught me to drive.
I used to love driving my Avenger Tiger up it. I could "light up" the rear tyre going round the sharp corner. I used to love Succomb's Hill.

i'll get a vid. of some sort done
i've got a strong camera clamp-mount ( pic attached from Fast Films - Camera clamp and roll bar mounts )
as is .. the only spot where it will clamp securely at the back
be the tow-bar :)
can't close the tailgate with it clamped to the window guard
( either that or leave it just inside and behind the tailgate )


  • ccm.jpg
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SES88 I got your PM but I can't reply (don't think I have enough posts). If you can PM the Paypal details I'll sort it as soon as I get home tonight. Cheers.
Look forward to it
prepare yerself for dissapointment :-/ (;-)

the tow bar idea was a miserable failure .. 'cause the clamp aint designed for those shapes .. so didn't even get to try that

inside just behind the offside wheel-arch failed .. even with window open all i can hear is traffic

stationary idle rev in a quiet spot on the moors .. cam. under exhaust ..
all i got was wind noise .. for the most part ..

ended up mounting the cam. between front seats angled out passenger side
with windows open ..
traffic on return was terrible .. i.e. snails pace ..
managed one uphill sprint in 4th foot-to-floor up to about 3200 rpm ..
just listened to that bit on my stereo .. i be very unimpressed to say the least

might be some usable material as i went thru a small town
low speed and bits of stone scenery to reflect the sound .. yet to listen to it all

last 10 miles was stop/go due to roadworks .. i got so fed up i turned off the cam.


at least the dog had a pleasant walk in some woods :)

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