Daughter broke her arm yesterday so she's out...Still going anyway cos the hotel booking is non refundable, booked time off work etc..
She broke her finger last year!
There's a connection here🤔🧐
It is a very brutal thing to compete in a friend did it when he was in the navy and we went down to Portsmouth to watch the practice and to the Earls court run which was the last time they did it due to it being dangerous, think one guy lost a finger traped between his boot and gun :( but carried on , talk about fit as a butchers dog.
it is a good spectical to watch, shame your daughter will miss doing it.
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It is a very brutal thing to compete in a friend did it when he was in the navy and we went down to Portsmouth to watch the practice and to the Earls court run which was the last time they did it due to it being dangerous, think one guy lost a finger traped between his boot and gun :( but carried on , talk about fit as a butchers dog.
it is a good spectical to watch, sham your daughter will miss doing it.
Nowt wrong with a bit of spilt blood bones broken teeth flying and crushed bollocks. Part of the entertainment and they get a free shag, when they pull into Portsmouth to see their boyfriends.🤣😚

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