I'll be lookin' ;)

You're a good lad really.

A cheap , not falling apart Disco would also fit the role ;)
Thanks hippo, really useful info there. Seems like the cost of the clutch outweighs the value so its a labour of love. So Unless we can find that loving buyer we'll be sending Brienne of Tarth (my other half names cars ) off to car purgatory (webuyanycar). Thanks for the help.
£700 ish if a garage charges you. Some would change a clutch at home themselves. So the cost would be a lot less as it would be parts cost only. It also depends on spec. Diesel, auto and higher spec... all push the price up a bit. We buy any car sometimes offer good or bad prices. They may try to knock down when yer visit. Some drive oft and they contact layer on with a betteter offer. Its a convenient way of moving a car.
Hi all. Just thought I'd let you know that we took it to webuyanycar last week and managed to squeeze them up from the offer of £230 to £400. Which has covered the first years insurance if nothing else. I think we were lucky as there was a fair bit needed on the car so took what we could for it!
Thanks for all your advice guys, really useful and helped us benchmark what we'd sell it for. Cheers

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