
Hi all,

I currently have a mag mount on the roof for the Amm Radio and CB, but am going to change these to gutter mounts.
Is there any natural holes or routes I can feed the leads through into the inside of the car, ideally without drilling holes.
I hope to mount them on the front end of the car and feed the wires down the outer window trim.
Someone told me you can feed wires from the engine bay into the car from the corner where the door trim comes down, but I cant seem to find any access points despite looking and poking wires and screw drivers around that part.
Any suggestions would be great please.
Radio Wires1.jpg
I mounted my antenna with a gutter mount above the rear quarter just behind the rear seat passenger door. The cable fits nicely through the door seal without causing any issues with water coming in or the door closing ( I also have wind deflectors like you). From there, in pushes and sits quite snugly between the roof lining and bodywork without the need to remove anything, and can bit pushed behind plastic trim between there and the front of the vehicle. inside my truck, the only cable you can see from the antenna, really, is where its on the dash going to the back of my cb radio. I'll try and grab a few pics for you.

If it helps, I'm running a President 'teddy' radio, and with the antenna where it is, I always have comments about how clear I come across, and people can hear everything I say.
:)Hi Grim,
Cheers for your reply.
I might just do the same then. Have to be honest, the cable hasn't leaked through the boot door rubber yet and it's even parked facing down hill, so that's the worse way for water tracking in :eek::eek::D:cool: down the wires.
Pics would be great tho, look forward to seeing them. Cheers matey
Mines been set up like this for about five years now, never leaked, even when driving in very heavy rain and strong winds. My last house, the drive was quite a steep slope, and however I parked, never had any issues. I had gone down the thought process of drilling holes etc, but figured drilling could potentially cause more possible leaks, plus, if I ever wanted to change from this D2 Td5 to a D3 or anything, potential buyers for this one may be put off. That said, I don't plan on changing this one now, I love it too much, and there's the whole 'better the devil you know', and having spent on new turbo, clutch kit, Master and slave etc, not to mention the mods, I don't want to have to start from scratch .

I'll try and get out an get some pics. I do need to jump start it and get some charge in the battery (not been started for a little while), so I can get pics at the same time. I did find doing it this way also made it a lot easier with having the cb mounted on the dash without having too many cables on show. Works for me
yea, agree mate about drilling holes. I was thinking its just putting another potential leak risk factor into it.
Anyhow, I had a look at the door rubbers like you said and have found that if you run the wire down the inside rubber part (that the door presses against if that make sense), when you get to the bottom, there are 2 natural joins with enough space to pop the cable into and straight under the carpet rugs. Then I wont even have to run it along the headlining, just under the mats and up into behind the dash.
After all the fuss and bother of removing 2 mounts from my old car this evening, I found the flipping gutter mount didn't fit over the gutter edge because of the plastic trim.
I can easily cut a small 2 inch length out to make it fit, or find a different gutter mount, but for now have settled with a mag mount again for the CB. I will put the rig in tomorrow all being well and send some pics too.
Sounds like you've sussed it. I must admit, I didn't think to run the cable inside the actual seal, although I may try that myself.
I've not had a chance to photograph mine yet (mrs is poorly and I'm left looking after our toddler and two dogs ‍♂️).
My cb is mounted directly above the stereo, then I wired the cb power cable with the stereo's.
I found a similar problem with the plastic trim on the gutter, although a little perseverance and it worked

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