Cheers mate. You never know if you don't look into it..

As usual my head is full of these daft ideas and most will never happen.. But occasionally one makes it out alive

; )
Cheers mate, apart from the colour (and half a snorkel) that could be mine). Don't think it looks too bad actually.

thats alright mate. I couldn't be bothered to sort the snorkel.

Yeah that was just a straight swap of the roof of my old classic (which is just remembered was a lse so a bit longer) onto my current discovery so not sure if the proportions were right.
The swap might be easier than you think as i think range rover roofs are just bolted on.
The idea concept itself is a good one but like others have said the proportions of the roof to body have to be exact not only that but the roof pillars have to be a similar width otherwise your gonna be in trouble in the event of an upsidedown moment.
is the roof on the disco just a skin, as i seem to remember one of those wheeler dealer shows where they bought one that had been on fire inside, they had to replace the roof on that one. But if i remember right they got a new roof skin,romoved from another disco, then removed the skin of thier disco and put the but the new skin on. They didn't touch the pillars at all. Can't remember the name of the show,but dom littlewood was the host,and they where repairing salvage cars. Could be way off here but just a thought
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that was a p38 range rover. I know what you mean though.. the problem is that they cut out the roof skin which was removed between the roof gutter trims. on the disco these are around the sides of the car leaving the roof as sort of like a hat for the pillars and If you removed the skin on it you would still have the frame there and still not able to fit the rangie roof on
It was the just thought, i couldn't remember if it was a disco or a range thought it was a disco lol. could always just hammer down the hump on the back lmao
was bored at work so i thought i would photoshop one for you. incase you can't tell I am not that good with photoshop but it gives you an idea

oh my lord....:eek::eek::eek::eek: that is hideous...

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