There are some around Heathrow and I'm in Bucks which isn't that far north. There are loads all over London if you look at their locations.
I think he's trying to work out if the P38s he sees at the side of the road are residents parked up or visitors broken down.
According to most people from London ( the North doesn't exist) it's a fairy tale made up to scare young children( being a True Yorkshire man) we like that fairy tale, because it stops bloody southerners visiting Gods County. lol
According to most people from London ( the North doesn't exist) it's a fairy tale made up to scare young children( being a True Yorkshire man) we like that fairy tale, because it stops bloody southerners visiting Gods County. lol

Well, I've dusted off me passport and packing me case, because I'm off to annoy you flat cap n whippet folk next weekend, Chesterfield and Scunny are 2 of my stop off points, and arranged to drop something off with someone from Barnsley as it happens, so there ... :p

The Southerner's are coming
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Well, I've dusted off me passport and packing me case, because I'm off to annoy you flat cap n whippet folk next weekend, Chesterfield and Scunny are 2 of my stop off points, and arranged to drop something off with someone from Barnsley, so there ... :p

The Southerner's are coming

Dont forget the vaccinations and not to drink the tapwater, you'll get an accent.
Dont forget the vaccinations and not to drink the tapwater, you'll get an accent.

Its OK I'm visiting an Essex Burd and Kent Man who live up there so I'll be safe, although I will be escaping with one Yorkshire's best kept secrets, after drinking some of their over rated beer (you still can't beat Guinness).....:boxing:

My mission this time is to liberate the flat caps of a case of Hendersons Relish...and a Harrison Lathe....:D
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Its OK I'm visiting an Essex Burd and Kent Man who live up there so I'll be safe, although I will be escaping with one Yorkshire's best kept secrets, after drinking some of their over rated beer (you still can't beat Guinness).....:boxing:

Are they being held against their will ?

Guinness is a stout. As an essex man you should be more inclined to a pint of Pride !

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