Driving lanes is not off-roading :doh:

Try the green laning section where you'll be told why nobody will tell you :D
look out for the Surrey and Hants crowds and tag along.

Do not go on your own. I do not want to rescue you.
If your new to laning, not off roading as blue beasty says ;) find a local group to tag along with, or even some local guys on here.

As long as there a responsible group and drive the lanes carefully and with consideration to other users and to the lane itself.

I joined a local land rover club to go laning with once a month as I'm new to it, it's much better when your with a group leader who knows the lanes and other people who are happy to help you out.

Make sure you read the sticky in the green laning section ;)
And you could do far worse than join GLASS or a Land Rover club with an affiliation to GLASS. As the other guys said it's quite a sensitive matter at the moment.... compounded by some unfair bad press....

Hope you get hooked up to a group soon - landing can be great fun.....
I'm sorry guys for upsetting you all, I am completely new to this. Never ment to pi** people off. My bad for asking.
I live in Weybridge I dont own a land rover yet. I have been down lanes in surrey and all the walkers have a go at you and I would say go to Hampshire more lanes people are friendly there
I live in Weybridge I dont own a land rover yet. I have been down lanes in surrey and all the walkers have a go at you and I would say go to Hampshire more lanes people are friendly there

Maybe its the way yu drive them? :)
No trust me we were doing 5 mph max down them. Its worth goong to Hampshire or anywhere but surrey
I'm sorry guys for upsetting you all, I am completely new to this. Never ment to pi** people off. My bad for asking.

Nobodies upset so don't fret, you've been given some good advice though :) Watch the Green Laning section for groups in your area and ask to tag along. Most are more than happy to show someone the ropes (especially if you bring cake :D) and you'll get to meet some great folk.

If you wish to test your vehicle and yourself further then this is the section to watch for folk going to pay and play days, competitions etc.

Enjoy :D
Nothing to be sorry about :) we all live and learn, it's great fun laning, let's be responsible and keep it fun for many years to come :)

Be aware that there are some groups that do not give a crap, they turn up in large groups and treat the lanes like pay and play sites.

As has been said before If you don't know the lanes then never go on your own, especially if it's wet. You can get stuck or run into trouble! Between 2 and 6 is a good number no more than 5/6 4x4s per group.

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